Climate of Busia Town

Busia town, located in western Kenya on the border with Uganda, experiences a tropical rainforest climate classified as Af under the Köppen climate classification system. This climate is characterized by consistently high temperatures throughout the year and significant rainfall across all months.

The town’s proximity to Lake Victoria and its position near the equator strongly influence its climate patterns, resulting in warm and humid conditions year-round.

What is the average temperature in Busia?

Busia experiences warm temperatures throughout the year:

  • Annual mean temperature: 21.8°C (71.2°F)
  • Average high temperature: 27.5°C (81.5°F)
  • Average low temperature: 16.47°C (61.65°F)

Temperature variations between seasons are relatively minor, with slightly warmer periods occurring from December to March.

How much rainfall does Busia receive annually?

Busia receives substantial rainfall throughout the year:

  • Annual precipitation: Approximately 1525 mm (60 inches)
  • Wettest months: April and May
  • Driest months: December and January

Despite having drier months, Busia still receives significant rainfall even during its “dry” season, which is characteristic of a tropical rainforest climate.

What are the seasonal patterns in Busia’s climate?

While Busia’s climate is relatively consistent year-round, there are subtle seasonal variations:

  1. Long rainy season: March to May
  2. Short rainy season: September to November
  3. Relatively drier periods: December to February and June to August

These patterns are influenced by the movement of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) across the equator.

How does Busia’s climate compare to other regions in Kenya?

Busia’s climate differs from other parts of Kenya due to its western location and proximity to Lake Victoria:

Region Climate Type Annual Rainfall Average Temperature
Busia Tropical Rainforest 1525 mm 21.8°C
Nairobi Subtropical Highland 850 mm 19°C
Mombasa Tropical Savanna 1050 mm 26°C
Lodwar Hot Desert 250 mm 29°C

What impact does Lake Victoria have on Busia’s climate?

Lake Victoria significantly influences Busia’s climate:

  1. Increased humidity: The lake provides a constant source of moisture
  2. Moderated temperatures: The large water body helps prevent extreme temperature fluctuations
  3. Enhanced rainfall: Lake-effect precipitation contributes to Busia’s high annual rainfall
  4. Breeze effects: Lake and land breezes can affect local wind patterns

How does Busia’s climate affect agriculture?

Busia’s climate is generally favorable for agriculture:

  • Long growing season: Warm temperatures and consistent rainfall allow for year-round cultivation
  • Diverse crop potential: Suitable for crops like maize, sorghum, millet, cassava, and various vegetables
  • Challenges: Heavy rains can lead to soil erosion and flooding in some areas
  • Adaptation needs: Farmers must manage water resources effectively during drier periods

What are the typical weather patterns throughout the year in Busia?

Month Avg. High (°C) Avg. Low (°C) Rainfall (mm)
January 29 17 50
February 30 18 60
March 29 18 120
April 28 17 180
May 27 17 170
June 27 16 100
July 27 15 90
August 28 16 110
September 28 16 130
October 28 17 140
November 28 17 130
December 28 17 80

How does climate change affect Busia?

Climate change impacts on Busia include:

  1. Increased temperature variability
  2. Changes in rainfall patterns and intensity
  3. More frequent extreme weather events
  4. Potential shifts in growing seasons
  5. Increased risk of floods and droughts

These changes pose challenges to agriculture, water resources, and overall environmental stability in the region.

What is the humidity like in Busia?

Busia experiences high humidity levels throughout the year:

  • Average relative humidity: 70-80%
  • Highest humidity: Early mornings, especially during rainy seasons
  • Lowest humidity: Afternoons during drier months
  • Impact: The high humidity contributes to the feeling of warmth and can make hot days feel more uncomfortable

How does Busia’s climate affect human health?

Busia’s climate has several health implications:

  1. Vector-borne diseases: The warm, humid climate is conducive to mosquitoes, increasing malaria risk
  2. Respiratory issues: High humidity can exacerbate certain respiratory conditions
  3. Heat-related illnesses: Prolonged exposure to high temperatures can lead to heat exhaustion
  4. Waterborne diseases: Heavy rainfall can contribute to water contamination and related illnesses

What is the sunshine duration in Busia?

Busia receives substantial sunshine throughout the year:

  • Average annual sunshine hours: Approximately 2,500 hours
  • Sunniest months: December to March
  • Less sunny periods: During the rainy seasons, especially April and May
  • Daily sunshine: On average, 6-8 hours of sunshine per day

How does the climate influence Busia’s ecosystem?

Busia’s climate shapes its local ecosystem in several ways:

  1. Vegetation: Supports lush, diverse vegetation typical of tropical rainforests
  2. Biodiversity: Provides habitat for a wide range of plant and animal species
  3. Water resources: Abundant rainfall contributes to local rivers and wetlands
  4. Soil characteristics: High rainfall influences soil formation and nutrient cycling
  5. Microclimates: Creates varied microclimates supporting different ecological niches

What are the wind patterns in Busia?

Wind patterns in Busia are influenced by its geographical location:

  • Prevailing winds: Generally from the east and southeast
  • Wind speed: Typically light to moderate, averaging 5-15 km/h
  • Seasonal variations: Stronger winds during the inter-monsoon periods
  • Lake effect: Lake Victoria influences local wind patterns, creating lake and land breezes

How does Busia’s climate affect urban planning and infrastructure?

Busia’s climate presents both opportunities and challenges for urban planning:


  • Solar energy potential due to high sunshine hours
  • Rainwater harvesting possibilities
  • Year-round outdoor activities and tourism


  • Drainage systems to manage heavy rainfall
  • Building designs to cope with high humidity and heat
  • Road construction considering frequent rain and potential flooding
  • Water management systems for both excess water and dry periods

What climate-related natural disasters are common in Busia?

Busia is prone to several climate-related natural events:

  1. Flooding: Especially during heavy rainfall periods
  2. Drought: Occasional dry spells can affect water availability and agriculture
  3. Storms: Heavy rainfall and strong winds can cause damage
  4. Landslides: In areas with steep terrain, heavy rains can trigger landslides
  5. Heat waves: Prolonged periods of high temperatures can occur

How does Busia’s climate compare to global climate averages?

Compared to global averages, Busia’s climate is:

Factor Busia Global Average
Annual Mean Temperature 21.8°C 15°C
Annual Precipitation 1525 mm 990 mm
Relative Humidity 70-80% 60-70%
Sunshine Hours 2,500 hrs 2,500 hrs

Busia is warmer and receives more rainfall than the global average, reflecting its tropical location.

What measures are being taken to adapt to climate change in Busia?

Adaptation measures in Busia include:

  1. Improved agricultural practices: Drought-resistant crops and water conservation techniques
  2. Enhanced water management: Upgrading drainage systems and water storage facilities
  3. Climate-smart urban planning: Incorporating climate resilience in infrastructure development
  4. Ecosystem conservation: Protecting and restoring natural habitats to enhance climate resilience
  5. Public awareness: Education programs on climate change impacts and adaptation strategies
  6. Early warning systems: Implementing systems for extreme weather events

In conclusion, Busia town’s climate is characterized by its tropical rainforest classification, featuring warm temperatures, high humidity, and substantial rainfall throughout the year. This climate significantly influences the town’s agriculture, ecosystem, urban development, and public health.

While providing numerous benefits such as a long growing season and diverse vegetation, it also presents challenges related to water management, infrastructure development, and climate change adaptation.

As global climate patterns continue to evolve, understanding and adapting to Busia’s unique climate conditions will be crucial for the town’s sustainable development and the well-being of its residents.


  • Susan Kandie

    Susan Kandie is a vibrant contributor to Jua Kenya, bringing her passion for travel and extensive knowledge of local destinations to our readers. A graduate of Daystar University with a degree in Journalism, Susan has honed her writing skills through years of experience in local media stations and various online publications. See More on Our Contributors Page

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