Climate of Marsabit Town

Marsabit town, located on an extinct volcano in northern Kenya, experiences a unique microclimate that sets it apart from the surrounding arid regions. The climate is characterized as a tropical wet and dry or savanna climate, with temperatures averaging around 21.5°C (71°F) annually.

This distinctive climate is influenced by the town’s elevation, the surrounding Marsabit National Park, and the atmospheric phenomenon known as the ‘Turkana Jet’.

What type of climate does Marsabit have?

Marsabit has a tropical wet and dry or savanna climate, classified as ‘As’ in the Köppen climate classification system. This climate type is characterized by:

  1. Distinct wet and dry seasons
  2. Relatively consistent temperatures throughout the year
  3. Higher rainfall compared to the surrounding lowlands
  4. Influenced by the town’s elevation on Mount Marsabit

What are the average temperatures in Marsabit?

The average annual temperature in Marsabit is around 21.5°C (71°F). Temperature ranges are as follows:

  • Minimum temperatures: 17.5°C (63.5°F)
  • Maximum temperatures: 25.6°C (78°F)
  • Daytime average: 30°C (86°F)
  • Nighttime average: Cooler, with exact figures not provided in the search results

It’s worth noting that temperatures rarely fall below 59°F (15°C) or exceed 80°F (26.7°C).

How does Marsabit’s climate compare to surrounding areas?

Marsabit’s climate is notably different from the surrounding lowlands:

Aspect Marsabit Town Surrounding Lowlands
Temperature Cooler (avg. 21.5°C) Hotter
Rainfall Higher (275mm annually) Lower
Vegetation Forested Arid/semi-arid
Humidity Higher Lower
Wind Strong, influenced by Turkana Jet Variable

What is the rainfall pattern in Marsabit?

Marsabit receives an average of 275mm of rainfall annually. The rainfall pattern is characterized by:

  1. Two rainy seasons:
    • Long rains: Typically from March to May
    • Short rains: Usually from October to December
  2. Irregular distribution: Rainfall can be unpredictable and vary significantly from year to year
  3. Higher precipitation compared to surrounding lowlands due to orographic effects
  4. Potential for occasional heavy downpours

How does the ‘Turkana Jet’ affect Marsabit’s climate?

The ‘Turkana Jet’ is a strong southeasterly wind that significantly influences Marsabit’s climate:

  1. Increases wind speeds in the area
  2. Can affect local temperature and humidity
  3. May influence cloud formation and precipitation patterns
  4. Creates a generally windy environment in Marsabit town

What is the effect of Marsabit’s elevation on its climate?

Marsabit’s location on Mount Marsabit, an extinct volcano, has several effects on its climate:

  1. Cooler temperatures compared to surrounding lowlands
  2. Increased rainfall due to orographic lifting
  3. Creation of a microclimate supporting forest growth
  4. More moderate climate variations throughout the year
  5. Potential for mist and fog formation, especially in forested areas

How do seasons affect Marsabit’s climate?

Marsabit experiences distinct seasonal variations:

  1. Wet seasons:

    • Long rains (March to May)
    • Short rains (October to December)
    • Higher humidity and cloud cover
    • Slightly cooler temperatures
  2. Dry seasons:

    • Main dry season (June to September)
    • Short dry season (January to February)
    • Lower humidity
    • Potentially higher daytime temperatures
    • Increased wind speeds

What is the humidity like in Marsabit?

Specific humidity figures for Marsabit are not provided in the search results. However, we can infer that:

  1. Humidity is generally higher than in surrounding lowlands due to higher rainfall and vegetation
  2. Humidity levels likely fluctuate with the wet and dry seasons
  3. The forested areas on Mount Marsabit may experience higher local humidity

How does Marsabit’s climate affect local vegetation?

Marsabit’s climate supports a unique vegetation pattern:

  1. Forested mountain slopes: The higher rainfall and cooler temperatures allow for dense forest growth
  2. Contrast with surroundings: The green mountain stands out against the arid lowlands
  3. Diverse plant species: The microclimate supports a variety of flora not found in the surrounding areas
  4. Water catchment: The forest plays a crucial role in capturing and retaining moisture

What is the sunshine duration in Marsabit?

While exact sunshine duration is not specified in the search results, we can note that:

  1. Marsabit experiences partly cloudy conditions throughout the year
  2. Cloud cover is likely higher during the rainy seasons
  3. The dry seasons may see more clear sky days
  4. Annual sunshine hours are estimated to be around 8.5 hours per day, though this may vary seasonally

How does climate affect daily life in Marsabit?

The climate in Marsabit influences daily life in several ways:

  1. Agriculture: The microclimate allows for some crop cultivation, unlike surrounding arid areas
  2. Water availability: Rainfall patterns affect local water resources and management
  3. Pastoralism: Climate influences grazing patterns and livestock management
  4. Tourism: The unique climate and resulting ecosystem attract visitors to Marsabit National Park
  5. Infrastructure: Wind and rainfall patterns may affect road conditions and construction

What extreme weather events occur in Marsabit?

While specific extreme weather events are not detailed in the search results, potential occurrences may include:

  1. Droughts: Extended dry periods can occur, affecting water resources and agriculture
  2. Heavy rains: Occasional intense rainfall may lead to localized flooding or landslides
  3. Strong winds: The influence of the Turkana Jet may result in periods of high winds
  4. Temperature extremes: Though rare, unusually hot or cold days may occur

How is climate change affecting Marsabit?

The search results don’t provide specific information on climate change impacts in Marsabit. However, based on general climate change trends in similar regions, potential effects could include:

  1. Changes in rainfall patterns: More erratic or reduced precipitation
  2. Increased temperature extremes: More frequent hot days or cold nights
  3. Ecosystem stress: Potential impacts on local flora and fauna
  4. Water scarcity: Possible reduction in available water resources
  5. Agricultural challenges: Changes in growing conditions for crops and pastures

What climate-related challenges does Marsabit face?

Marsabit faces several climate-related challenges:

  1. Water security: Dependence on rainfall for water supply in a semi-arid region
  2. Agricultural variability: Climate fluctuations affecting crop yields and pasture availability
  3. Soil erosion: Potential for increased erosion during heavy rains or strong winds
  4. Ecosystem preservation: Maintaining the fragile mountain forest ecosystem
  5. Climate adaptation: Developing strategies to cope with potential climate change impacts

How does Marsabit’s climate compare to other Kenyan towns?

A comparison of Marsabit’s climate with other Kenyan towns:

Aspect Marsabit Nairobi Mombasa
Climate type Tropical savanna Subtropical highland Tropical wet and dry
Avg. Temperature 21.5°C 17°C 26°C
Annual Rainfall 275mm 1000mm 1200mm
Elevation 1345m 1795m 50m
Seasons 2 wet, 2 dry 2 wet, 2 dry 2 wet, 2 dry

What role does climate play in Marsabit’s tourism?

Climate plays a significant role in Marsabit’s tourism:

  1. Unique ecosystem: The microclimate supports diverse wildlife and vegetation, attracting nature enthusiasts
  2. Comfortable temperatures: Cooler than surrounding areas, making it an attractive destination
  3. Scenic beauty: The contrast between the green mountain and arid surroundings creates stunning landscapes
  4. Seasonal variations: Different seasons offer varied experiences for visitors
  5. Wildlife viewing: Climate influences animal behavior and migration patterns

How is the climate monitored in Marsabit?

While specific details about climate monitoring in Marsabit are not provided in the search results, it’s likely that:

  1. Weather stations: Automated or manual stations collect temperature, rainfall, and wind data
  2. Satellite observations: Used for broader climate pattern analysis
  3. Ecological monitoring: Tracking of vegetation and wildlife as indicators of climate trends
  4. Community observations: Local knowledge and observations may supplement scientific data
  5. Regional climate centers: Marsabit’s data may be part of larger regional climate monitoring efforts

In conclusion, Marsabit town’s climate is a unique and complex system influenced by its geographical location, elevation, and regional atmospheric patterns. This distinctive climate creates a green oasis in an otherwise arid landscape, supporting diverse ecosystems and human activities.

Understanding and adapting to this climate is crucial for the sustainable development of Marsabit and the preservation of its natural beauty.


  • Susan Kandie

    Susan Kandie is a vibrant contributor to Jua Kenya, bringing her passion for travel and extensive knowledge of local destinations to our readers. A graduate of Daystar University with a degree in Journalism, Susan has honed her writing skills through years of experience in local media stations and various online publications. See More on Our Contributors Page

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