Postal Code of Mumias Town

The postal code for Mumias Town, Kenya is 50102. This five-digit code is used to identify the specific geographical area of Mumias within the Kenyan postal system. It’s essential for accurate mail delivery and is commonly used in addresses for both residential and business correspondence in Mumias.

What is the full postal code for Mumias?

The full postal code for Mumias is 50102.

How is the postal code formatted in addresses?

In Kenyan addresses, the postal code is typically formatted as follows:

Street Address
P.O. Box Number - Postal Code
Town Name

For example:

John Doe
123 Sugar Road
P.O. Box 1234 - 50102

What areas does the 50102 postal code cover?

The 50102 postal code covers Mumias town and its immediate surroundings. This includes:

  1. Mumias Central
  2. Mumias East
  3. Mumias West

Some specific areas within this postal code include:

  • Eluche
  • Eshikalame
  • Isongo
  • Khaunga

Are there other postal codes used in Mumias?

While 50102 is the main postal code for Mumias, some sources mention variations or additional codes for specific areas:

  • 50100: Used for some parts of Mumias, including Lukero and Matawa
  • 50133: Mentioned for areas like Eluche and Khaunga

However, 50102 remains the primary and most widely recognized postal code for Mumias.

How does Mumias’ postal code compare to those of nearby towns?

Here’s a comparison of Mumias’ postal code with those of nearby towns:

Town Postal Code
Mumias 50102
Kakamega 50100
Butere 50101
Khwisero 50135
Shianda 50103
Malaha 50116

What is the significance of the 50102 postal code?

The 50102 postal code is significant because it:

  1. Facilitates efficient mail sorting and delivery
  2. Helps identify the specific geographical location within Kenya
  3. Is essential for accurate addressing in both physical and digital communications
  4. Aids in data collection and analysis for demographic and economic purposes

How long has 50102 been the postal code for Mumias?

The exact date when 50102 was assigned to Mumias is not readily available. However, Kenya introduced the current postal code system in the 1990s, so it’s likely that Mumias has been using this code since then.

Who assigns and manages postal codes in Kenya?

The Postal Corporation of Kenya (Posta Kenya) is responsible for assigning and managing postal codes throughout the country, including Mumias.

How can one find the correct postal code for a specific address in Mumias?

To find the correct postal code for a specific address in Mumias:

  1. Check official Posta Kenya resources
  2. Consult local post office staff
  3. Use online postal code directories
  4. Ask neighbors or local businesses
  5. Refer to recent utility bills or official correspondence

Are there any plans to change Mumias’ postal code?

As of 2024, there are no publicly announced plans to change Mumias’ postal code. Postal codes typically remain stable for long periods to maintain consistency in addressing and mail delivery systems.

How does the Mumias postal code system work within the larger Kenyan system?

The Mumias postal code (50102) fits into the larger Kenyan postal code system as follows:

  • The first two digits (50) represent the broader region or county (Kakamega County)
  • The last three digits (102) specify the particular post office or delivery area within that region

This system allows for efficient sorting and routing of mail at both regional and local levels.

What role does the postal code play in mail delivery to Mumias?

The postal code 50102 plays several crucial roles in mail delivery to Mumias:

  1. Sorting: Helps automated sorting systems direct mail to the correct regional center
  2. Routing: Guides the mail to the specific post office in Mumias
  3. Delivery: Assists postal workers in organizing local delivery routes
  4. Verification: Helps confirm the intended destination of a piece of mail

How accurate is mail delivery using the 50102 postal code?

Mail delivery using the 50102 postal code is generally accurate, provided that:

  1. The complete and correct address is used
  2. The postal code is written clearly and correctly
  3. The mail piece enters the postal system properly

However, like any system, occasional errors or delays can occur due to various factors such as illegible handwriting, damaged address labels, or sorting mistakes.

Are there any common mistakes people make when using Mumias’ postal code?

Common mistakes when using Mumias’ postal code include:

  1. Omitting the postal code entirely
  2. Using an outdated or incorrect code (e.g., 50100 instead of 50102)
  3. Transposing digits (e.g., 50201 instead of 50102)
  4. Confusing Mumias’ code with that of nearby towns
  5. Including unnecessary spaces or punctuation in the code

How does the use of postal codes in Mumias compare to urban areas like Nairobi?

Comparison of postal code use in Mumias vs. Nairobi:

Aspect Mumias (50102) Nairobi
Code Specificity One main code for the town Multiple codes for different areas
Address Complexity Generally simpler addresses More complex, detailed addresses
Reliance on P.O. Boxes Higher reliance on P.O. Boxes Mix of P.O. Boxes and street addresses
Digital Services Usage Lower adoption of digital services Higher adoption of digital services
Code Recognition Less widely recognized nationally Widely recognized nationally

How important is the postal code for non-postal services in Mumias?

The 50102 postal code is important for various non-postal services in Mumias:

  1. Government Services: Often required for official documentation
  2. Banking: Used in address verification for accounts and services
  3. Online Shopping: Essential for accurate delivery of packages
  4. Utility Services: Used in billing and service area identification
  5. Emergency Services: Can aid in locating addresses quickly

What challenges exist in the postal system of Mumias?

Challenges in the postal system of Mumias include:

  1. Limited street addressing in some areas
  2. High reliance on P.O. Boxes rather than home delivery
  3. Occasional delays in mail processing and delivery
  4. Limited adoption of modern postal technologies
  5. Competition from digital communication methods

How does the 50102 postal code impact local businesses in Mumias?

The 50102 postal code impacts local businesses in Mumias by:

  1. Facilitating accurate delivery of business correspondence
  2. Enabling efficient shipping and receiving of goods
  3. Providing a standardized way to identify business locations
  4. Assisting in local market segmentation and analysis
  5. Supporting the creation of accurate business directories

What future developments might affect the postal system in Mumias?

Potential future developments that could affect the postal system in Mumias include:

  1. Implementation of more detailed postal codes for specific areas
  2. Increased adoption of digital postal services
  3. Integration of GPS technology for more precise addressing
  4. Development of a more comprehensive street addressing system
  5. Expansion of home delivery services

How can residents ensure their mail is properly addressed to Mumias?

To ensure mail is properly addressed to Mumias, residents should:

  1. Always include the correct postal code (50102)
  2. Use a complete and accurate street address or P.O. Box number
  3. Write the address clearly and legibly
  4. Include “Mumias” as the town name
  5. Add “KENYA” as the country name for international mail

What resources are available for postal code information in Mumias?

Resources for postal code information in Mumias include:

  1. Posta Kenya website and local offices
  2. Online postal code directories
  3. Local government offices
  4. Libraries and community centers
  5. Maps and gazetteers of Kenya

In conclusion, the postal code 50102 is an integral part of the addressing system in Mumias, Kenya. It plays a crucial role in mail delivery, address identification, and various administrative functions.

While the postal system in Mumias faces challenges common to many developing areas, the consistent use of the correct postal code contributes significantly to the efficiency of mail and package delivery in the region.

As Mumias continues to develop, the importance of accurate addressing, including the proper use of the 50102 postal code, remains paramount for both residents and businesses in the area.


  • Susan Kandie

    Susan Kandie is a vibrant contributor to Jua Kenya, bringing her passion for travel and extensive knowledge of local destinations to our readers. A graduate of Daystar University with a degree in Journalism, Susan has honed her writing skills through years of experience in local media stations and various online publications. See More on Our Contributors Page

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