Isiolo County

Imagine exploring a hidden gem tucked away in the heart of Kenya. Isiolo County, with its breathtaking landscapes and rich cultural heritage, offers an experience like no other. Nestled at the foot of Mount Kenya, this enchanting county is characterized by its diverse wildlife, vibrant markets, and warm hospitality of its residents. Let the untamed beauty of Isiolo County mesmerize you as you embark on an unforgettable journey into the heart of Kenya’s wilderness.

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Isiolo County is a vibrant region located in the eastern part of Kenya. Nestled between the Mt. Kenya and the northern deserts, this county boasts a rich cultural heritage and breathtaking natural beauty. With a population of over 350,000 people, Isiolo County is a melting pot of diverse communities, making it a fascinating destination for locals and tourists alike.


Isiolo County is strategically positioned at the heart of Kenya, serving as a gateway to various regions of the country. It borders six counties: Meru to the west, Samburu to the north, Garissa to the east, Wajir to the northeast, Marsabit to the north, and Tana River to the southeast. Its central location has made it an important transit point and a hub for trade and commerce.


Isiolo County has a population of over 350,000 people, comprising various ethnic groups. The largest ethnic communities in the region are the Borana, Meru, Somali, Samburu, and Turkana, among others. This diversity is a testament to the county’s cultural richness and harmonious coexistence.

Administrative Divisions

Administratively, Isiolo County is divided into three sub-counties: Isiolo, Merti, and Garbatulla. Each sub-county is further divided into wards, totaling 20 wards. This administrative structure ensures efficient service delivery to the residents and enables the county government to effectively address the needs of different communities.


Early Settlements

Isiolo County has a long history of human settlement dating back thousands of years. The region’s favorable climate and fertile lands attracted early communities, who relied on agriculture and livestock farming for their livelihoods. These ancient settlements laid the foundation for the vibrant county we see today.

Colonial Era

During the colonial era, Isiolo County became an important trading center, connecting the coastal region with the hinterland. The construction of the Isiolo-Moyale road by the British further enhanced its significance as a transportation hub. The colonial period brought immense changes to the region, shaping its economy and cultural landscape.


Since gaining independence, Isiolo County has seen significant development in various sectors. Investments in infrastructure, education, healthcare, and tourism have propelled the county’s growth and improved the livelihoods of its residents. The county’s journey towards progress is ongoing, with the government and local communities working hand in hand to shape its future.


Physical Features

Isiolo County is blessed with a diverse range of physical features. The dazzling Mount Kenya towers over the western part of the county, providing a majestic backdrop to the landscape. To the north, the county borders the vast and arid Northern Frontier District, characterized by vast desert plains and rugged terrain. Isiolo River meanders through the county, adding to its picturesque beauty.


Isiolo County experiences a semi-arid climate, with hot and dry conditions for most of the year. The region receives limited rainfall, making water conservation and management crucial for agricultural activities. Despite the arid climate, Isiolo County has a remarkable ability to adapt and thrive, thanks to its resilient communities.

Natural Resources

Isiolo County is rich in natural resources, which contribute to its economic development. The county boasts a wealth of mineral deposits, including gypsum, limestone, salt, and gemstones, presenting opportunities for mining. Its expansive rangelands support livestock farming, while its fertile soils enable agricultural activities. The county’s diverse flora and fauna add to its natural charm, attracting both researchers and nature enthusiasts.



Agriculture is the backbone of Isiolo County’s economy, providing livelihoods for a significant portion of the population. The fertile soils and water resources support the cultivation of various crops, including maize, beans, vegetables, and fruits. The county government has implemented initiatives to improve agricultural practices, promote irrigation, and enhance food security.

Livestock Farming

Livestock farming is another crucial economic activity in Isiolo County. The region’s abundant rangelands provide grazing opportunities for cattle, goats, and sheep. Nomadic communities, such as the Borana and Turkana, heavily rely on herding livestock for their sustenance and income. The county government supports the livestock sector by providing veterinary services, improving market access, and promoting breed improvement programs.


Isiolo County is endowed with incredible tourist attractions that draw visitors from all over the world. Meru National Park, located in the western part of the county, offers a diverse wildlife experience with its magnificent landscapes and an array of wildlife species. Shaba National Reserve, known for its unique landscapes and rare wildlife, including the Grevy’s zebra and reticulated giraffe, is also a major tourist destination. Additionally, the annual Isiolo Cultural Festival showcases the county’s rich cultural heritage and is a vibrant celebration enjoyed by locals and tourists alike.

Trade and Commerce

Isiolo County’s strategic location makes it a major crossroads for trade and commerce. The county boasts vibrant markets where traders from different regions converge to buy and sell goods. Isiolo Town, the county’s capital, is a bustling commercial center with modern marketplaces and a vibrant business community. The county government has implemented initiatives to promote trade and support local entrepreneurs, fostering economic growth and development.

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Isiolo County recognizes the importance of a well-connected transportation system for its development. Over the years, significant investments have been made in infrastructure, particularly in road networks. The Isiolo-Moyale road, a major highway connecting Kenya to Ethiopia, has been upgraded, facilitating trade and enhancing regional integration. Additionally, ongoing efforts are being made to improve air transport, with the construction of the Isiolo International Airport.


The county government places great emphasis on providing quality education to its residents. Isiolo County has made great strides in expanding access to education, increasing the number of schools, and improving the quality of teaching. The government focuses on teacher training, infrastructure development, and providing scholarships to disadvantaged students. With these efforts, the county aims to equip its residents with the knowledge and skills needed for a brighter future.


Access to quality healthcare is a priority for Isiolo County. The county government has invested in healthcare infrastructure, including the construction of new hospitals and health centers to ensure the residents can access medical services conveniently. The government has also implemented programs to provide free maternal and child health services, campaign against infectious diseases, and promote preventive healthcare measures.


Isiolo County is committed to providing reliable utilities to its residents. The county government has made efforts to expand access to clean water, ensuring that communities have a safe and reliable water supply. Additionally, investments have been made in improving access to electricity, with the aim of connecting more households to the national power grid. These investments in utilities contribute to an improved quality of life for the residents.

Culture and Society

Ethnic Groups

Isiolo County is home to a diverse range of ethnic groups, each with its own unique traditions and practices. The Borana, Meru, Somali, Samburu, and Turkana communities form the majority of the population and coexist harmoniously, promoting cultural diversity and unity within the county. This diversity is celebrated through various cultural festivals and events, showcasing the richness of Isiolo’s heritage.


Isiolo County is a linguistic melting pot, with several languages spoken within its borders. English and Swahili are widely spoken and used for official purposes. Additionally, regional languages such as Borana, Meru, Samburu, Somali, and Turkana are also spoken by their respective communities, preserving their cultural identity and heritage.


Religion plays a significant role in the lives of the residents of Isiolo County. Islam and Christianity are the predominant religions, with mosques and churches scattered across the county. These places of worship are not only spiritual centers but also serve as community gathering spaces, fostering social cohesion and tolerance.

Traditions and Customs

Isiolo County is rich in traditions and customs that are deeply rooted in its diverse communities. Each ethnic group has its own unique traditions, rituals, and ceremonies, which are passed down through generations. From the colorful Maasai dances to the traditional Turkana beadwork, these traditions showcase the county’s cultural heritage and are a source of pride for the residents.

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Tourist Attractions

Meru National Park

Meru National Park is a must-visit destination for nature enthusiasts and wildlife lovers. The park’s diverse ecosystems offer a unique wildlife experience, with sightings of elephants, buffalos, lions, zebras, and an abundance of bird species. The park also boasts the scenic Tana River, which adds to its picturesque beauty. Visitors can enjoy game drives, guided walks, and even explore the park on horseback for an unforgettable adventure.

Shaba National Reserve

Shaba National Reserve, known for its rugged landscapes and rare wildlife, is a hidden gem in Isiolo County. The reserve is home to the elusive Grevy’s zebra, reticulated giraffe, and Somali ostrich, among other unique species. Visitors can enjoy game drives, guided walks, and birdwatching, immersing themselves in the tranquility of the reserve’s pristine wilderness.

Isiolo Cultural Festival

The annual Isiolo Cultural Festival is a vibrant celebration of the county’s cultural heritage. The festival brings together communities from across the county, showcasing their traditional music, dances, arts, crafts, and cuisine. Visitors can explore the rich cultural diversity of Isiolo County, interact with the locals, and experience the warmth and hospitality of the community.

Challenges and Opportunities

Drought and Food Security

Isiolo County faces inherent challenges related to its arid climate, with limited and unreliable rainfall. Droughts pose a significant threat to agricultural productivity and food security. However, the county government, in collaboration with development partners, has implemented initiatives to promote irrigation farming, water storage, and sustainable land use practices as solutions to mitigate the impacts of drought and ensure food security for its residents.

Inadequate Infrastructure

Despite significant investments in infrastructure, Isiolo County still faces challenges in terms of inadequate road networks, particularly in remote areas. The county government recognizes that improved infrastructure is crucial for economic growth and is actively working to address these challenges. Plans are underway to expand road networks, improve access to electricity, and enhance water and sanitation systems to create an environment conducive to development.

Conservation Efforts

Conservation of natural resources is a priority for Isiolo County. Efforts are being made to mitigate environmental degradation, including illegal logging and poaching, which threaten the county’s biodiversity. The county government, in collaboration with conservation organizations, promotes sustainable land use practices, supports wildlife conservation initiatives, and educates communities on the importance of preserving their natural heritage.

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Promoting Development

Investment Opportunities

Isiolo County presents numerous investment opportunities across various sectors. Agriculture and agribusiness, livestock farming and value addition, tourism and hospitality, mineral exploration and mining, and renewable energy are among the sectors with untapped potential for investment. The county government offers incentives and a conducive business environment to attract investors, fostering economic growth and creating employment opportunities for its residents.

Community Empowerment

Isiolo County recognizes the importance of community participation and empowerment in promoting development. The county government engages with communities, encourages their active involvement in decision-making processes, and supports their initiatives. Various programs and projects are implemented to empower women and youth, promote entrepreneurship, and enhance skills and capacity development.

Government Initiatives

The county government of Isiolo is committed to promoting inclusive and sustainable development. Through programs such as Isiolo Vision 2030, the government aims to improve service delivery, enhance infrastructure, boost agriculture and livestock productivity, foster tourism growth, and create a conducive business environment. The government’s initiatives, coupled with the active participation of communities and stakeholders, create a foundation for long-term development and prosperity.


Isiolo County is a hidden gem in Kenya, with its diverse culture, breathtaking landscapes, and unique wildlife. The county’s rich history, coupled with its commitment to development, makes it an attractive destination for tourists and a promising region for investment. With its remarkable potential, Isiolo County is poised to become a hub of economic growth, while preserving its cultural heritage and conserving its natural wonders. Visit Isiolo County and discover the beauty, warmth, and resilience of its people as they shape a prosperous future.

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