Economic Activities in Kericho Town

Kericho Town, located in Kericho County, Kenya, is primarily known for its thriving tea industry. However, the town’s economy is diverse, encompassing agriculture, manufacturing, and service sectors.

The major economic activities in Kericho include tea cultivation and processing, dairy farming, horticulture, and small-scale industries. This article explores the various economic sectors that drive Kericho’s economy and their impact on the local community.

What is the main economic activity in Kericho?

Tea cultivation and processing form the backbone of Kericho’s economy. The town is situated on the edge of the Mau Forest, benefiting from a warm and temperate climate that is ideal for tea production. Large-scale tea plantations and processing facilities operated by multinational companies such as Finlays, Kaisugu, and Unilever dominate the landscape. Smallholder farmers also contribute significantly to tea production in the region.

How does agriculture contribute to Kericho’s economy?

Agriculture is a crucial sector in Kericho’s economy, extending beyond tea production. The county’s diverse agricultural activities include:

  1. Dairy farming
  2. Maize cultivation
  3. Wheat production
  4. Horticulture and floriculture
  5. Pyrethrum farming
  6. Avocado cultivation

The northern area of Kericho is particularly suitable for wheat, horticulture, floriculture, and dairy farming, while the central section focuses primarily on tea production.

What industries are present in Kericho?

Kericho has seen growth in its industrial sector, with several manufacturing plants established in recent years. Key industries include:

  • Cement production (Rai Cement Limited)
  • Steel manufacturing (Prime Steel Limited)
  • Sugar processing (Soin Sugar Company)

These industries contribute to job creation and economic diversification in the region.

How does the Mau Forest impact Kericho’s economy?

The Mau Forest, partially located in Kericho County, plays a crucial role in the local economy. It is the largest water catchment area in Kenya, supporting agricultural activities and providing essential ecosystem services. The forest’s presence contributes to the favorable climate conditions that make Kericho ideal for tea cultivation and other agricultural pursuits.

What role does the service sector play in Kericho’s economy?

While agriculture and industry dominate Kericho’s economy, the service sector is growing in importance. Key service industries include:

  • Retail and wholesale trade
  • Transportation and logistics
  • Financial services
  • Education
  • Healthcare
  • Tourism (especially agri-tourism related to tea plantations)

How has devolution impacted Kericho’s economic development?

Since the implementation of devolution in Kenya, Kericho County has made significant strides in various sectors, particularly in agriculture. The county government has invested in improving agricultural practices, infrastructure, and support services to boost productivity and enhance farmers’ livelihoods.

What challenges does Kericho’s economy face?

Despite its economic strengths, Kericho faces several challenges:

  1. Overreliance on tea production
  2. Climate change impacts on agriculture
  3. Limited value addition in agricultural products
  4. Infrastructure gaps
  5. Youth unemployment

How is Kericho addressing these economic challenges?

To address these challenges and promote sustainable economic growth, Kericho County is:

  1. Diversifying agricultural production
  2. Investing in irrigation and water management
  3. Promoting agro-processing and value addition
  4. Improving infrastructure, especially roads and energy
  5. Supporting small and medium enterprises
  6. Enhancing skills development and vocational training

Comparison of Economic Sectors in Kericho

Sector Main Activities Contribution to Economy Challenges
Agriculture Tea, dairy, maize, wheat, horticulture Major contributor, primary employer Climate change, price fluctuations
Industry Cement, steel, sugar processing Growing sector, job creation Limited scale, infrastructure gaps
Services Retail, finance, education, healthcare Emerging sector, urban growth Limited market size, skills gap

Future Outlook for Kericho’s Economy

Kericho’s economic future looks promising, with potential for growth in various sectors:

  1. Expansion of tea production and value addition
  2. Diversification of agricultural exports (e.g., avocados)
  3. Growth in agro-processing industries
  4. Development of eco-tourism and agri-tourism
  5. Expansion of renewable energy projects
  6. Strengthening of the service sector, particularly in finance and technology


Kericho Town’s economy is rooted in its rich agricultural heritage, particularly its world-renowned tea industry. However, the town and county are actively working to diversify their economic base through industrial development, service sector growth, and agricultural diversification.

By addressing challenges such as climate change and infrastructure gaps, Kericho is positioning itself for sustainable economic growth in the coming years. The successful implementation of devolution has provided a framework for targeted local development, allowing Kericho to leverage its natural resources and human capital for economic prosperity.


  • Susan Kandie

    Susan Kandie is a vibrant contributor to Jua Kenya, bringing her passion for travel and extensive knowledge of local destinations to our readers. A graduate of Daystar University with a degree in Journalism, Susan has honed her writing skills through years of experience in local media stations and various online publications. See More on Our Contributors Page

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