How Much Does NHIF Coverage Cost For Different Categories Of Members?

Have you ever wondered about the cost of NHIF coverage for different categories of members? Well, look no further! In this article, we will explore the pricing details of NHIF coverage based on various membership categories.

Whether you are a student, employed, self-employed, or a retiree, we’ve got you covered with all the information you need to know. So, let’s delve into the fascinating world of NHIF coverage costs!

Categories of NHIF Members

Employed Members

Employed members are individuals who are working for a company or organization and earning a regular income. These members are required to contribute to the NHIF scheme through a salary deduction made by their employers.

Self-Employed Members

Self-employed members are individuals who run their own businesses or work as freelancers. They are responsible for making their own monthly contributions to the NHIF scheme. The contribution rates for self-employed members differ from those of employed members.

Informal Sector Members

Informal sector members are individuals who work in the informal sector, such as street vendors, casual laborers, and small-scale traders. They are also required to make their own monthly contributions to the NHIF scheme, with rates that are specifically designed for the informal sector.

Voluntary Contributors

Voluntary contributors are individuals who are not mandated to contribute to the NHIF scheme but choose to do so. This category includes individuals who are not employed, self-employed, or part of the informal sector. Voluntary contributors can enjoy the benefits of NHIF coverage by making regular contributions according to the rates set by the NHIF.


Retirees are individuals who have reached the age of retirement and are no longer working. They may have been employed, self-employed, or part of the informal sector before retiring. Retirees have the option to continue their NHIF coverage by making monthly contributions that are specifically set for this category.


Students who are enrolled in recognized educational institutions can also be members of the NHIF scheme. These students are required to make monthly contributions to the NHIF in order to access the healthcare benefits provided.

Diaspora Members

Diaspora members are Kenyan citizens who reside abroad but still want to enjoy the benefits of NHIF coverage. These members can make their contributions through designated diaspora channels and access the healthcare services provided by NHIF when they return to Kenya.

Monthly Contribution Rates

Salary-Based Contributions

Employed members have their monthly NHIF contributions deducted directly from their salaries by their employers. The contribution rates for employed members are determined based on their salary ranges. The higher the salary, the higher the contribution rate.

Lump Sum Contributions

In some cases, employed members may choose to pay their contributions in lump sums. This option is available for employed members who prefer to make their contributions in a lump sum at the beginning of the year instead of monthly deductions from their salary.

Self-Employed Members

Self-employed members have different contribution rates compared to employed members. The contribution rates for self-employed members have a minimum contribution of Kes500 per month.

Informal Sector Members

Informal sector members also have their own contribution rates. These rates are designed to be affordable for individuals working in the informal sector. The contribution rates for informal sector members have a minimum contribution of Kes500 per month

Voluntary Contributors

Voluntary contributors have the flexibility to choose their contribution rates. The rates for voluntary contributors are set by the NHIF and may differ from the rates of employed, self-employed, and informal sector members.


Retirees have specific contribution rates set for them. These rates are often lower than the rates for employed and self-employed members, taking into consideration their retirement status and potential limitations in income.


Students have their contribution rates set specifically for them. These rates are designed to be affordable for students while still providing them with access to the healthcare benefits offered by the NHIF.

Diaspora Members

Diaspora members also have their contribution rates, which are determined based on the specific channels they use to make their contributions. The rates for diaspora members may differ from the rates of other categories of members and are intended to accommodate their unique circumstances.

Benefits for NHIF Members

Inpatient Services

NHIF members are entitled to inpatient services, which include hospitalization, accommodation, and general nursing services. This benefit covers both medical and surgical conditions and ensures that members receive the necessary treatment and care while admitted to a hospital.

Outpatient Services

NHIF members can also access outpatient services, which include consultation fees, laboratory tests, and prescribed medications. This benefit allows members to receive medical attention and treatment without the need for hospitalization.

Maternity Services

NHIF provides comprehensive maternity services for its members. This includes antenatal care, delivery services, and postnatal care. NHIF covers the costs associated with maternity services, ensuring that members receive quality healthcare during this important period.

Renal Dialysis

Members who require renal dialysis can access this service through NHIF. Renal dialysis is a critical treatment for individuals with kidney failure, and NHIF ensures that its members can receive this life-sustaining treatment without financial burden.

Surgical Services

NHIF members can benefit from surgical services, including surgical procedures and the necessary post-operative care. This ensures that members can undergo necessary surgeries without worrying about the financial costs involved.

Oncology Services

NHIF provides coverage for oncology services, including cancer diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up care. This benefit is crucial in enabling NHIF members to receive the necessary medical intervention for cancer-related conditions.

Cancer Treatment

NHIF covers the costs of cancer treatment, including chemotherapy and radiotherapy. This benefit ensures that NHIF members diagnosed with cancer can access the necessary treatment without financial strain.

Radiology Services

Members can also benefit from NHIF coverage for radiology services, such as X-rays, ultrasounds, and CT scans. This enables members to undergo diagnostic tests and receive accurate medical evaluations without incurring high costs.

Emergency Services

NHIF provides coverage for emergency services, including accident-related injuries and acute medical emergencies. This benefit ensures that NHIF members can access timely and necessary emergency medical care without financial burdens.

Organ Transplants

Members in need of organ transplants can also rely on NHIF for financial support. NHIF covers the costs associated with organ transplants, including the surgical procedures and post-transplant care.

Additional Coverage Options

Linda Mama

Linda Mama is a special program offered by NHIF that focuses on providing comprehensive maternal healthcare services to expectant and new mothers. This program aims to reduce maternal and infant mortality rates by ensuring that women receive quality care throughout their pregnancy and after delivery.

Civil Servants

NHIF offers a specific coverage option for civil servants. This coverage is tailored to meet the unique healthcare needs of civil servants and their dependents. It provides comprehensive healthcare benefits to ensure that civil servants have access to quality healthcare services.

Supa Cover

Supa Cover is an enhanced coverage option provided by NHIF. It offers additional benefits on top of the standard NHIF coverage, including access to specialized medical care and treatments. Supa Cover is designed to cater to the diverse healthcare needs of NHIF members who require extra services.

Wazee Cover

Wazee Cover is a specialized coverage option provided by NHIF for elderly individuals. This coverage is designed to address the healthcare needs of senior citizens, ensuring that they receive the necessary medical attention and treatments as they age. Wazee Cover takes into consideration the unique healthcare challenges faced by the elderly.

Managed Hospitals

NHIF has partnerships with various managed hospitals across the country. These hospitals have agreements with NHIF to provide specific healthcare services to NHIF members. The partnerships aim to ensure that NHIF members have access to quality healthcare facilities and services.

Comprehensive Cover

NHIF offers a comprehensive cover option that provides a wide range of healthcare benefits to its members. This cover is designed to meet the diverse healthcare needs of members, offering comprehensive coverage for various medical conditions and treatments.

Integrated Cover

Integrated cover is a specialized coverage option that combines NHIF benefits with other complementary insurance schemes. This ensures that NHIF members have access to a wider range of healthcare services and treatments through the integration of different insurance options.

Special Programs

NHIF provides special programs for targeted groups, such as people living with HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis patients, and individuals with chronic illnesses. These programs aim to address the specific healthcare needs of these groups and ensure that they receive appropriate care and support.

Family Cover

Family cover is an option provided by NHIF that allows members to extend coverage to their dependents, including spouse and children. This ensures that the entire family can benefit from NHIF coverage and access the necessary healthcare services.

Retirees Cover

Retirees can opt for a specialized coverage option provided by NHIF. This cover is tailored to meet the healthcare needs of retirees, offering comprehensive benefits that address the specific healthcare challenges faced by this group.

Discounted Rates and Exemptions

Low-Income Earners

NHIF offers discounted rates for low-income earners. This ensures that individuals with limited income can still access NHIF coverage at affordable rates, making healthcare services more accessible to this group.

Disabled Persons

Disabled persons are exempted from NHIF contributions. This exemption recognizes the unique circumstances faced by individuals with disabilities and ensures that they can still access healthcare services without the financial burden of NHIF contributions.

Primary and Secondary Students

Primary and secondary students enjoy discounted rates for NHIF coverage. This is to encourage parents to enroll their children in the NHIF scheme and ensure that students have access to healthcare services when needed.

Senior Citizens

Senior citizens, typically individuals above a certain age, are exempted from NHIF contributions. This exemption recognizes the special healthcare needs of the elderly and aims to alleviate any financial burdens they may face in accessing healthcare services.


Dependents, such as spouses and children, also benefit from discounted rates within NHIF coverage. This ensures that family members can access healthcare services at affordable rates, promoting the overall well-being of NHIF members and their dependents.

Terminal Illness

NHIF provides exemptions for individuals with terminal illnesses. This recognizes the high costs associated with terminal illness treatments and ensures that individuals with such conditions can access the necessary healthcare services without financial strain.

National Youth Service (NYS) Beneficiaries

National Youth Service (NYS) beneficiaries enjoy discounted rates for NHIF coverage. This is to encourage young individuals to enroll in the NHIF scheme and ensure that they have access to healthcare services as they start their careers.

National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF) Card Replacement

NHIF provides exemptions for the replacement of lost or damaged NHIF cards. This ensures that members can easily access NHIF services even if they have lost or misplaced their NHIF cards.

Active Duty Military Personnel

Active duty military personnel enjoy discounted rates for NHIF coverage. This recognizes the service and sacrifices made by military personnel and ensures that they and their families have access to healthcare services at affordable rates.

PWDs (Persons With Disabilities)

Persons with disabilities are exempted from NHIF contributions. This exemption acknowledges the challenges faced by individuals with disabilities and ensures that they can still access healthcare services without the financial burden of NHIF contributions.

NHIF Penalties and Non-Compliance

Late Payment Penalties

NHIF imposes penalties for late payment or failure to make contributions on time. These penalties serve as a deterrent to ensure that members fulfill their obligation to make timely contributions and to maintain the sustainability of the NHIF scheme.

Consequences of Non-Compliance

Non-compliance with NHIF contributions may result in the suspension or termination of NHIF coverage. This means that individuals who fail to meet their contribution obligations may not be able to access NHIF benefits until they rectify the situation.

Appeals and Dispute Resolution

NHIF has an appeals and dispute resolution process in place to address any issues or concerns raised by its members. This process provides a mechanism for members to seek reconsideration or resolution of any disputes or disagreements they may have regarding NHIF contributions or benefits.

NHIF Reforms and Future Plans

Recent NHIF Reforms

NHIF has undergone recent reforms aimed at improving service delivery and enhancing the overall effectiveness of the scheme. These reforms include the digitization of NHIF processes, the introduction of e-mobile platforms for contributions and claims, and the implementation of performance management systems.

Digital Transformation

NHIF has embraced digital transformation to streamline its operations and improve service delivery. The digitization of processes allows for faster and more efficient processing of contributions and claims, providing members with a more convenient and user-friendly experience.

Expansion of Service Delivery

NHIF continues to expand its network of healthcare providers to ensure that members have access to quality healthcare services across the country. This includes partnerships with private hospitals, clinics, and healthcare facilities to enhance service delivery and increase the options available to NHIF members.

Enhanced Benefits Packages

NHIF is continuously reviewing and enhancing its benefits packages to ensure that members receive comprehensive healthcare coverage. This includes the addition of new services and treatments to the existing benefits packages, keeping in line with the evolving healthcare needs of NHIF members.

Quality Improvement Programs

NHIF is committed to improving the quality of healthcare services provided to its members. This includes implementing quality improvement programs that assess and monitor the performance of healthcare providers in delivering quality care and ensuring that NHIF members receive the best possible healthcare services.

Partnerships and Collaborations

NHIF actively seeks partnerships and collaborations with various stakeholders, including other government agencies, non-governmental organizations, and international organizations. These partnerships aim to enhance NHIF’s capacity to provide quality healthcare services and broaden the scope of its coverage.

Resource Mobilization

NHIF is exploring various avenues for resource mobilization to sustain its operations and expand its reach. This includes exploring possibilities for alternative funding sources and innovative financing mechanisms to ensure the long-term sustainability of the NHIF scheme.

NHIF and Universal Health Coverage (UHC)

NHIF aligns its efforts with the government’s drive towards achieving Universal Health Coverage (UHC). NHIF plays a pivotal role in supporting the government’s UHC agenda by providing affordable and accessible healthcare services to a wide range of individuals and categories of members.

Cost Containment Measures

NHIF continuously implements cost containment measures to ensure the optimal use of resources and efficient delivery of healthcare services. These measures aim to minimize the financial burden on NHIF members while still maintaining the quality of healthcare services provided.

Member Education and Public Awareness

NHIF prioritizes member education and public awareness to enhance the understanding of NHIF coverage and benefits among its members and the general public. This includes awareness campaigns, information dissemination, and educational programs to empower NHIF members to make informed decisions regarding their healthcare needs.


NHIF provides crucial healthcare coverage and benefits for different categories of members, including employed individuals, self-employed individuals, informal sector workers, retirees, students, and diaspora members.

The contribution rates vary based on the member’s category and income level. NHIF offers a wide range of benefits, including inpatient and outpatient services, maternity services, oncology treatments, and organ transplants.

Additional coverage options, discounted rates, and exemptions are available for specific groups. NHIF also imposes penalties for non-compliance and has systems in place for appeals and dispute resolution.

The organization has undergone reforms and plans to continue improving service delivery, embracing digital transformation, expanding service delivery, and enhancing benefits packages.

NHIF works towards achieving Universal Health Coverage, implementing cost containment measures, and prioritizing member education and public awareness.


  • Ravasco Kalenje

    Ravasco Kalenje is the visionary founder and CEO of Jua Kenya, a comprehensive online resource dedicated to providing accurate and up-to-date information about Kenya. With a rich background in linguistics, media, and technology, Ravasco brings a unique blend of skills and experiences to his role as a digital content creator and entrepreneur. See More on Our Contributors Page

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