How to Apply for AGPO Certificate: A Step-by-Step Guide

AGPO stands for Access to Government Procurement Opportunities, and it is a program aimed at facilitating organizations owned by women, youth, and persons with disabilities to participate in opportunities created by the Government of Kenya.

The program aims to create a level playing field for these groups by reserving 30% of all government procurement opportunities for them.

The AGPO certificate is a document that certifies that an organization is owned by youth, women, or persons with disabilities and is eligible to participate in the AGPO program.

The certificate is issued by the National Treasury upon successful application and verification of eligibility.

Eligibility Criteria for AGPO Certificate

To be eligible for an AGPO certificate, an organization must meet the following criteria:

  • The organization must be registered in Kenya and have a valid business registration certificate or certificate of incorporation for a limited company.
  • The organization must be owned by youth, women, or persons with disabilities. The government defines youth as a person aged between 18 and 35 years.
  • The organization must have at least 30% ownership by youth, women, or persons with disabilities.
  • The organization must have at least 70% of its employees being youth, women, or persons with disabilities.
  • The organization must have at least 30% of its procurement spend being with youth, women, or persons with disabilities.

Once an organization meets all the eligibility criteria, it can apply for an AGPO certificate online through the National Treasury website.

The application process involves submitting the necessary documents, including the business registration certificate, identification documents of the owners, and proof of ownership by youth, women, or persons with disabilities.

Preparation for Application

Documents Required

Before applying for the AGPO certificate, you need to ensure you have all the necessary documents. The following documents are required to apply for the AGPO certificate:

  • National ID card or passport
  • Certificate of Incorporation or Business Registration Certificate
  • Partnership Deed (if you are running a partnership business)
  • CR12 (if you are running a Limited Company)
  • Tax compliance certificate
  • Letter from the National Construction Authority (NCA)

If you are a person with a disability, you need to provide proof of disability. This can be in the form of a medical report or a disability card issued by the government.

Creating a Company Profile

To apply for the AGPO certificate, you need to have a registered business enterprise. You can register a business enterprise at the Attorney General’s Office in the form of a sole proprietorship business, partnership business, or a limited company.

Once you have registered your business enterprise, you need to create a company profile. The company profile should include the following information:

  • Company name
  • Business address
  • Contact details (phone number, email address)
  • Business description (what your business does)
  • Business objectives (what you hope to achieve with your business)
  • Business plan (how you plan to achieve your objectives)
  • Ownership structure (who owns the business and how ownership is divided)

Your company profile should be clear, concise, and well-written. It should also be professional and free from errors. You can use templates or samples to help you create your company profile.

Application Process

To apply for an AGPO certificate, you need to follow a few steps. This section will guide you through the process, including online registration, submission of documents, and the verification process.

Online Registration

The first step is to register online on the AGPO website. You will need to provide your personal and business details, including your name, ID or passport number, business registration certificate, and CR12 for a limited company. Once you have registered, you will receive a confirmation email with your username and password.

Submission of Documents

After registering online, you will need to submit the required documents to the Ministry of Public Service, Youth, and Gender Affairs. The documents required include your national ID or passport, business registration certificate, and CR12 for a limited company.

If you are a partnership business, you will need to provide a partnership deed. Ensure that all documents are scanned and in the required format before submitting them.

Verification Process

Once you have submitted your documents, the Ministry of Public Service, Youth, and Gender Affairs will verify them to ensure that you meet the AGPO requirements.

The verification process may take up to 30 days, and you will receive an email notification once your application has been approved or rejected.

After Application

Congratulations! You have successfully applied for your AGPO certificate. Now, what’s next? In this section, we will cover what you need to do after submitting your application.

Obtaining the Certificate

After submitting your application, you will receive a notification from the Ministry of Public Service, Youth, and Gender Affairs once your AGPO certificate is ready for collection.

You will need to collect the certificate in person from the Ministry’s offices. Make sure to bring your original ID or passport for verification purposes.

Renewal of AGPO Certificate

Your AGPO certificate is valid for one year from the date of issue. To continue enjoying the benefits of the AGPO program, you need to renew your certificate annually.

Here is what you need to do:

  1. Submit a renewal application at least 30 days before the expiry of your current certificate.
  2. Provide updated information about your business, including any changes to ownership, management, or contact details.
  3. Attach copies of your updated business registration certificate, tax compliance certificate, and any other relevant documents.
  4. Pay the renewal fee, which is currently Ksh. 1,000.

Once your renewal application is approved, you will receive a notification to collect your renewed AGPO certificate. Remember to collect it in person and bring your original ID or passport for verification purposes.

Potential Challenges and Solutions

Applying for an AGPO certificate can be a daunting task, especially for first-time applicants. Here are some potential challenges you may encounter and solutions to help you overcome them.

Challenge: Lack of Eligibility

To apply for an AGPO certificate, you must meet the eligibility criteria set by the Kenyan government. This includes being a youth, woman, or person with a disability and owning a registered enterprise. If you do not meet these criteria, you will not be eligible for the AGPO certificate.

Solution: Consider Alternative Procurement Opportunities

If you do not meet the eligibility criteria for the AGPO certificate, you can still participate in other procurement opportunities available in Kenya. For example, you can bid for tenders advertised by the government or private sector companies that are not reserved for AGPO-certified enterprises.

Challenge: Complex Application Process

The AGPO certificate application process can be complex and time-consuming, especially if you are not familiar with the requirements and procedures.

Solution: Seek Assistance from AGPO Helpdesk

If you are having difficulty with the application process, you can seek assistance from the AGPO Helpdesk. The Helpdesk provides guidance and support to applicants throughout the application process. You can contact them through their website or visit their offices for assistance.

Challenge: Limited Procurement Opportunities

Even with an AGPO certificate, you may face challenges accessing procurement opportunities. This is because the government reserves only 30% of procurement opportunities for AGPO-certified enterprises.

Solution: Diversify Your Business

To overcome this challenge, you can diversify your business by offering products or services in different sectors or markets. You can also partner with other AGPO-certified enterprises to bid for tenders that require a larger capacity than your enterprise can provide.

By being aware of these potential challenges and solutions, you can increase your chances of successfully applying for an AGPO certificate and accessing procurement opportunities in Kenya.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the eligibility requirements for obtaining an AGPO certificate?

To be eligible for an AGPO certificate, your organization must be owned by women, youth, or persons with disabilities. Youth are defined as individuals between the ages of 18 and 35. Your organization must also be registered as a limited company, partnership, or sole proprietorship, with ownership in the form of shares or capital invested.

How do I register for an AGPO certificate?

To register for an AGPO certificate, visit the AGPO website and create an account. Provide your personal information, email address, and a password to activate your account.

Once you have activated your account, log in to the AGPO system and provide the required details and scanned documents to register your business. After registration, visit the nearest Huduma Kenya Center (AGPO desk) for certificate processing.

What is the process for renewing an AGPO certificate?

AGPO certificates are valid for one year from the date of issuance. To renew your certificate, log in to the AGPO system and follow the prompts to renew your registration. You will need to provide updated information and documentation to support your renewal application.

Is the AGPO certificate free of charge?

Yes, the AGPO certificate is free of charge. There are no fees associated with registering for or renewing an AGPO certificate.

How long does it take to receive approval for an AGPO certificate?

The processing time for AGPO certificate applications varies, but it typically takes between 14 and 21 days to receive approval. However, this may vary depending on the completeness of your application and the volume of applications being processed at the time.

Where can I find contact information for AGPO support?

For assistance with AGPO registration or renewal, you can contact the AGPO Helpdesk by calling +254 709 126 102 or emailing [email protected]. You can also visit the nearest Huduma Kenya Center (AGPO desk) for in-person support.

Final Thoughts

Congratulations! You have successfully completed the process of applying for the AGPO certificate online. It is important to note that obtaining the certificate does not automatically guarantee you access to government procurement opportunities.

You still need to put in the effort to market your business and seek out these opportunities.

Remember to keep your AGPO registration details up to date and renew your certificate annually. Also, ensure that you comply with the AGPO regulations and guidelines to avoid any penalties or disqualification from participating in government tenders.

We hope that this guide has been helpful in simplifying the process of applying for the AGPO certificate online. If you encounter any challenges or have any questions, feel free to contact the AGPO helpdesk for assistance.

With your AGPO certificate, you have taken a significant step towards growing your business and contributing to the Kenyan economy. We wish you all the best in your future endeavors!


  • Ravasco Kalenje

    Ravasco Kalenje is the visionary founder and CEO of Jua Kenya, a comprehensive online resource dedicated to providing accurate and up-to-date information about Kenya. With a rich background in linguistics, media, and technology, Ravasco brings a unique blend of skills and experiences to his role as a digital content creator and entrepreneur. See More on Our Contributors Page

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