Kenya National Police Sacco

Kenya National Police Sacco was registered on 20th November 1972 and was issued with a registration certificate. Kenya Police Sacco began with a membership of 690 but it has since grown to a membership of 63,450 members. It has 12 elected members; 9 form the Board of Directors and 3 the Supervisory Committee. The core values that guide the operations of the Sacco are;

  • Quality
  • Integrity
  • Team work
  • Innovation

Kenya National Police Sacco Loan Products

  1. Premier loan
  2. Mega loan
  3. Super loan
  4. Normal loan
  5. Refinancing loan
  6. Emergency loan
  7. School fees loan
  8. Muslim loan
  9. Muslim emergency loan
  10. Asset financing loan
  11. Salary advance loan
  12. Q-cash
  13. Dividend advance

Kenya National Police Sacco Savings Products

  1. Savings account
  2. Holiday account
  3. Junior account
  4. Group/ corporate account
  5. Fixed deposit account
  6. Business account

Kenya National Police Sacco M-Sacco Services *653#

The Sacco has an online platform known as M-TAWI that allows members to transact through their mobile phones in the comfort of their homes and work places.

Members dial *653# to be able to access the platform. The services in the platform include but are not limited to;

  • Transfer of funds
  • Loan application, enquiries and repayment
  • Purchase of airtime
  • Payment of utilities
  • Deposit and withdrawal of money

Kenya National Police Sacco Paybill Number 4027903

Here is how to use the pay bill number to access services conveniently;

  • Go to M-PESA menu
  • Select pay bill
  • Enter Kenya National Police Sacco Paybill Number 4027903
  • Enter your account number
  • Enter amount you wish to pay
  • Enter your M-PESA pin
  • Confirm details and press OK
  • Wait for an SMS confirmation from Safaricom

Kenya National Police Sacco Contacts

For more information on any of the products or even the pay bill number;

Ngara Road, off Muranga Road,

P.O. Box 51042 ‐ 00200, Nairobi

Telephone:  0709 825 000



You can as well see some of the best Deposit Taking Sacco’s in Kenya here.


  • Ravasco Kalenje

    Ravasco Kalenje is the visionary founder and CEO of Jua Kenya, a comprehensive online resource dedicated to providing accurate and up-to-date information about Kenya. With a rich background in linguistics, media, and technology, Ravasco brings a unique blend of skills and experiences to his role as a digital content creator and entrepreneur. See More on Our Contributors Page

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