Kitale Town

Imagine strolling through a lively town brimming with vibrant markets, friendly locals, and a rich cultural heritage. Welcome to Kitale, a town nestled in the stunning landscapes of Western Kenya. Surrounded by rolling hills and picturesque farmlands, Kitale offers a unique blend of natural beauty and urban charm. From exploring its bustling streets to immersing yourself in its diverse traditions, Kitale promises an unforgettable experience that will leave you longing to return.

Kitale	Town

History of Kitale Town

Early settlement

Kitale Town, located in the Rift Valley Province of Kenya, has a rich and fascinating history that dates back centuries. The town was originally inhabited by the Sabaot and Bukusu communities, who arrived in the area around the 16th century. These early settlers relied on agriculture and animal husbandry to sustain their livelihoods, taking advantage of the fertile soils and abundant water sources in the region.

Colonial era

During the colonial era, Kitale Town played a significant role as a trading center between the British and local communities. The British established administrative offices in the town, giving it further importance in the region. The colonial influence can still be seen today in the architecture and layout of some of the older buildings in Kitale.


After Kenya gained independence in 1963, Kitale Town experienced rapid growth and development. The government invested in infrastructure, including roads and schools, which contributed to the town’s expansion. The improved transportation links facilitated greater trade and commerce, attracting businesses and entrepreneurs to Kitale.

Current status

Today, Kitale Town continues to thrive as a bustling urban center in the Rift Valley. It has become a popular destination for tourists seeking to explore the natural beauty of the surrounding landscapes and experience the vibrant cultural scene. With a growing population and an economy driven by agriculture, trade, and tourism, Kitale Town holds immense potential for further development and prosperity.

Geography and Location

Geographical coordinates

Kitale Town is situated at latitude 1.0236° N and longitude 34.9590° E. Its strategic location makes it easily accessible from major cities such as Nairobi, Eldoret, and Nakuru.

Surrounding landscape

Nestled between the Cherangani Hills and Mount Elgon, Kitale Town is blessed with breathtaking natural beauty. The picturesque landscapes include lush green fields, rolling hills, and scenic valleys. The abundance of flora and fauna makes it a haven for nature lovers and wildlife enthusiasts.


Kitale Town experiences a pleasant and moderate climate throughout the year, thanks to its high elevation. The average temperature ranges from 15°C (59°F) to 25°C (77°F). Rainfall is evenly distributed, with the wettest months being April and November. The favorable climate makes Kitale an ideal location for agricultural activities.



Kitale Town boasts a diverse and growing population. According to recent estimates, the population is approximately 250,000 people, making it one of the largest towns in the Rift Valley Province. The influx of people is a testament to Kitale’s allure as a thriving urban center.

Ethnic composition

The population of Kitale is ethnically diverse, with various communities coexisting harmoniously. The dominant ethnic groups include the Sabaot, Bukusu, Kikuyu, and Luo, among others. This cultural diversity adds vibrancy and richness to the town’s social fabric.

Religious diversity

Kitale Town is known for its religious tolerance and diversity. Christianity is the predominant religion, with various denominations represented, including Protestantism and Catholicism. Islam, Hinduism, and traditional African religious practices are also observed by some residents.



Agriculture is the backbone of Kitale’s economy. The town’s fertile soils and favorable climate make it ideal for the cultivation of a wide range of crops such as maize, wheat, coffee, and tea. Small-scale farmers, as well as large commercial farms, contribute to the agricultural sector’s success and make Kitale an important agricultural hub in Kenya.

Trade and commerce

Kitale boasts a vibrant trading sector, with bustling markets and commercial activities. The town’s central location and good transportation links make it an attractive destination for traders and businessmen. Local produce, crafts, and textiles are just some of the goods that can be found in the markets of Kitale.

Industrial activities

While agriculture remains the primary economic activity, Kitale is also seeing growth in its industrial sector. Small-scale industries such as food processing, textile manufacturing, and construction have emerged, providing employment opportunities for the local population and contributing to the town’s economic development.


Kitale’s natural beauty and rich cultural heritage draw tourists from far and wide. Visitors can explore the Kitale Museum, which showcases the region’s history and cultural artifacts. The nearby Mt. Elgon National Park and Saiwa Swamp National Park offer opportunities for nature lovers to enjoy hiking, bird-watching, and wildlife viewing. Additionally, the town hosts various cultural events and festivals throughout the year, providing a vibrant and immersive experience for tourists.

Kitale	Town



Kitale Town benefits from excellent transportation infrastructure. It is connected to major cities and towns in Kenya through a network of well-maintained roads. The Kitale airstrip provides an alternative mode of transportation for those traveling by air. Public transportation within the town is readily available in the form of matatus (minibuses) and boda-bodas (motorcycle taxis).

Healthcare facilities

Kitale boasts several healthcare facilities, including hospitals, clinics, and dispensaries, that cater to the medical needs of its residents. These facilities offer a wide range of services and access to qualified medical professionals, ensuring that the community’s healthcare needs are adequately met.

Educational institutions

The town is renowned for its educational institutions, ranging from primary schools to universities and colleges. There are numerous primary and secondary schools that provide quality education to the younger generation. Kitale Technical Training Institute and Mount Elgon Vocational Training Center offer technical and vocational courses, equipping students with practical skills. Additionally, Kitale has a number of universities and colleges that offer higher education opportunities.

Communication services

Kitale has a well-established communication infrastructure, with reliable telecommunications and internet connectivity. Mobile network coverage is widespread, ensuring that residents have easy access to communication services. Internet cafes and service providers cater to the community’s internet needs, facilitating connectivity and information exchange.

Cultural Events and Festivals

Kitale Street Festival

The Kitale Street Festival is a vibrant celebration of the town’s cultural diversity. Held annually, this event brings together residents and visitors to showcase various cultural performances, including music, dance, and traditional art forms. It is a colorful and lively event that promotes unity and appreciation of different cultures.

Chebara Farm Festival

The Chebara Farm Festival highlights the agricultural heritage of Kitale. Farmers from the region gather to exhibit their produce, livestock, and farming techniques. The festival provides a platform for exchanging knowledge and best practices, and visitors can enjoy local food, music, and dance.

Kitale International Dance Festival

The Kitale International Dance Festival is a celebration of dance from different parts of the world. Dancers and groups from various countries come together to perform and share their unique dance styles. This festival promotes cultural exchange and appreciation of the art of dance.

Kitale	Town

Points of Interest

Kitale Museum

The Kitale Museum offers visitors a glimpse into the history, traditions, and cultural heritage of the region. Exhibits feature artifacts, photographs, and displays that tell the story of Kitale’s past, from the early inhabitants to the colonial era. The museum provides a valuable educational experience and is a must-visit for history enthusiasts.

Mt. Elgon National Park

Located a short distance from Kitale, Mt. Elgon National Park is a paradise for nature lovers and adventure-seekers. The park boasts diverse ecosystems, including montane forests, bamboo groves, and moorland. Visitors can embark on hiking trails, explore caves, and enjoy breathtaking views of waterfalls and the vast plains below.

Saiwa Swamp National Park

Saiwa Swamp National Park is a haven for nature enthusiasts, particularly those interested in wetland ecosystems and wildlife conservation. The park is home to the endangered Sitatunga antelope and numerous bird species. Visitors can take guided walks along the wooden boardwalks that meander through the swamp, immersing themselves in the tranquility of nature.

Kapcherop Falls

Kapcherop Falls, located near Kitale, is a magnificent waterfall that cascades down a series of rocky cliffs. The sight of water plunging into the valley below is awe-inspiring. Visitors can hike through scenic trails to reach the falls and enjoy the serene atmosphere and breathtaking views.

Sports and Recreation

Football clubs

Football is a popular sport in Kitale, and the town has several football clubs that participate in local leagues and tournaments. These clubs provide opportunities for young and talented players to nurture their skills and compete at various levels.

Golf courses

Kitale is home to a well-established golf course that attracts enthusiasts from within the town and beyond. The lush greens and serene surroundings offer a relaxing and enjoyable golfing experience for players of all skill levels.

Hiking and trekking

With its proximity to the Cherangani Hills and Mount Elgon, Kitale offers excellent opportunities for hiking and trekking. Enthusiasts can embark on various trails to explore the natural beauty of the region, discovering hidden gems along the way.

Water sports

The nearby rivers and water bodies provide avenues for water sports such as swimming, kayaking, and fishing. Residents and visitors can enjoy these activities, immersing themselves in the refreshing waters and embracing the thrill of aquatic adventures.

Kitale	Town


Primary schools

Kitale boasts a wide range of primary schools, both public and private, that aim to provide quality education to young learners. These schools prioritize holistic development and academic excellence, nurturing young minds and preparing them for future challenges.

Secondary schools

The town is home to numerous secondary schools that offer a comprehensive curriculum and prepare students for national examinations. These schools prioritize academic excellence and provide opportunities for students to excel in various fields, including sports, arts, and sciences.

Technical and vocational colleges

Kitale has technical and vocational colleges that equip students with practical skills and prepare them for the job market. Kitale Technical Training Institute and Mount Elgon Vocational Training Center offer courses in areas such as engineering, business studies, and hospitality, providing students with valuable vocational skills.

Universities and colleges

Kitale hosts a number of universities and colleges that offer higher education opportunities. These institutions provide a wide range of courses and programs, enabling students to pursue their academic interests and achieve their career goals.

Notable Personalities

Famous politicians

Over the years, Kitale has produced notable politicians who have made significant contributions to the development of Kenya. These include individuals who have held high-ranking positions in the government or played influential roles in shaping national policies.

Renowned writers and artists

Kitale has been a nurturing ground for writers and artists, who have used their creative talents to captivate audiences and reflect the cultural richness of the region. These individuals have gained recognition both nationally and internationally for their works.

Successful entrepreneurs

Kitale’s entrepreneurial spirit has fostered the growth of successful businesses and entrepreneurs. These individuals have created employment opportunities, stimulated economic growth, and contributed to the overall development of the town.

In conclusion, Kitale Town is not only rich in history and cultural heritage but also offers a vibrant and diverse community. With its breathtaking landscapes, thriving economy, and opportunities for education and recreation, Kitale has something to offer to everyone. Whether you are a history buff, an adventure seeker, or simply looking to experience the warmth and hospitality of its residents, Kitale Town is a destination that should not be missed.

Kitale	Town