NSSF Sacco Society

NSSF Sacco was formerly NASSEFU SAVINGS AND CREDIT SOCIETY. It was registered on 20th August 1990 with a membership of about 280 members. Currently, Sacco’s membership has grown to over 7500 members. The Front Office Service Authority (FOSA) began operations in December of 2000 to offer quasi-banking services to NSSF Sacco members. The Sacco was then licensed by SASRA (Sacco Societies Regulatory Authority) in 2010. The core values that guide Sacco operations are;

  • Accountability
  • Professionalism
  • Integrity
  • Customer-centric

NSSF Sacco Bosa Loans

  1. Super saver’s loan
  2. School fees loan
  3. Karo loan
  4. Emergency loan
  5. Development loan
  6. Special flex loan
  7. Refinancing loan
  8. Fanisi loan

NSSF Sacco Fosa Loan Products

  1. BIMA loan
  2. Salary advance loan
  3. Jumbo loan
  4. Premium loan
  5. Tausi loan
  6. Makeover loan
  7. Twiga loan
  8. Mobile advance loan
  9. Mustard asset loan

NSSF Fosa Savings Products

  1. FOSA jumbo savings account
  2. Tausi savings account
  3. Junior Akiba
  4. Mustard savings account
  5. Call deposit account
  6. Pamoja savings account
  7. Johari holiday savings account

NSSF Sacco M-Sacco Services *477#

This is a mobile banking platform that allows its members to access Sacco services from their mobile phones. The platform can be accessed by dialing *477#. Some of the services available on the platform are;

  • FOSA to M-PESA transfer
  • Purchase of airtime
  • Mini statements
  • Balance enquiries
  • Loan repayments
  • Deposit contributions

NSSF Sacco Paybill Number 819 890

Here is how to use the pay bill number to access services conveniently;

  • Go to M-PESA menu
  • Select lipa na M-PESA; pay bill option
  • Enter NSSF Sacco paybill number 819890
  • Enter your account number
  • Enter the amount you wish to transact
  • Enter your PIN number
  • Confirm details and press OK
  • You will receive a confirmation message from Safaricom

NSSF Sacco Contacts

For more information on any of the products as well as the pay bill number

Nssf Sacco Society Ltd,

Social Security House, Bishop Road,

P. O. Box 43338-00100,

Nairobi, Kenya.

Tel : +254 020 2832925

Fax : 2736656

Email : info@nssfsacco.co.ke

Website: https://nssfsacco.co.ke

You can as well see some of the best Deposit Taking Sacco’s in Kenya here.


  • Ravasco Kalenje

    Ravasco Kalenje is the visionary founder and CEO of Jua Kenya, a comprehensive online resource dedicated to providing accurate and up-to-date information about Kenya. With a rich background in linguistics, media, and technology, Ravasco brings a unique blend of skills and experiences to his role as a digital content creator and entrepreneur. See More on Our Contributors Page

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