Nyamira County

Nyamira County

If you’re looking for a vibrant destination in Kenya, Nyamira County is worth considering. Located in the former Nyanza Province, Nyamira County has a population of over 600,000 people and is known for its diverse economy based on bananas, tea, and tourism.

The county is divided into five sub-counties, with 20 wards and four constituencies. Its largest town and capital is Nyamira, which has an urban population of around 41,668.

Nyamira County shares common boundaries with Kisii, Bomet, and Kericho counties, making it an ideal location for exploring the region.

With its high HIV prevalence rate of 6.4% and low rainfall of 200mm, Nyamira County faces unique challenges and opportunities. Whether you’re a local resident or a visitor, Nyamira County has something to offer everyone.

Geographical Location

Nyamira County is located in the former Nyanza Province of Kenya. It borders Kisii County to the East, Bomet and Kericho counties to the West, and Homa Bay County to the North. The county covers an area of 912.5 km² and has a population of 605,576 people as of the 2019 census.

Nyamira County is located in the highlands of western Kenya, and its topography is characterized by rolling hills and valleys. The county is situated at an altitude of between 1,500 and 2,500 meters above sea level. The highest point in the county is Magura Hill, which rises to an altitude of 2,440 meters above sea level.

The county is drained by several rivers and streams, including Sondu, Eaka, Kijauri, Kemera, Charachani, Gucha (Kuja), Bisembe, Mogonga, Chirichiro, Ramacha and Egesagane rivers.

These rivers provide water for domestic use, irrigation, and hydroelectric power generation. The county also has several natural springs and waterfalls, including the Nyamonyo and Magura waterfalls.

Nyamira County experiences a tropical climate, with temperatures ranging from 10°C to 28°C. The county receives an average annual rainfall of between 1,200 and 1,800 mm, which is well distributed throughout the year.

rainy season occurs between March and May and between October and December.

In terms of vegetation, Nyamira County is predominantly covered by farmlands, with bananas and tea being the main cash crops grown in the county.

The county also has several forest reserves, including the Nyamira Forest Reserve, which covers an area of 6,000 hectares. The forest reserve is home to several wildlife species, including monkeys, antelopes, and birds.



According to the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics, Nyamira County had a population of 605,576 as of the 2019 census. Of this population, there were 290,907 males, 314,656 females, and 13 intersex individuals.

The county has a population density of 675 inhabitants per square kilometre (1,750/sq mi). The average household size is 4.0 persons per household, and there are 150,669 households in the county.

The urban population in Nyamira County is concentrated in the three major towns of Nyamira, Nyansiongo, and Keroka, with a total population of 197,972 people.

Ethnic Groups

Nyamira County is home to several ethnic groups. According to the 2019 census, the majority of the population is from the Gusii community, also known as the Kisii.

They make up 98.3% of the population, with the remaining 1.7% comprising of other ethnic groups.

The Gusii community is further divided into sub-tribes, including the Kitutu, Sameta, Nyamira, and Manga. The Kitutu sub-tribe is the largest in Nyamira County, with a population of 339,622 people.

In terms of religion, Christianity is the most widely practiced religion in Nyamira County, with the majority of the population being Roman Catholic and Seventh-day Adventist.

However, there are also significant numbers of people who practice traditional African religions and Islam.


Nyamira County’s economy is primarily based on agriculture, which is the main source of livelihood for 90% of the population. The county is known for its production of bananas and tea, which are the main cash crops grown in the area.

The agricultural sector is supported by the county government through various initiatives aimed at improving productivity and marketing of agricultural products.


Agriculture is the backbone of Nyamira County’s economy, with the majority of the population engaged in farming. The county’s fertile soils and favorable climate make it suitable for the production of a wide range of crops.

The main crops grown in the area include bananas, tea, maize, beans, and potatoes. The county government has put in place measures to support farmers, such as providing subsidized inputs, extension services, and market linkages.

The county is also involved in livestock rearing, with dairy farming being the most common.

The county government has initiated programs aimed at improving livestock production, such as providing livestock feeds, veterinary services, and artificial insemination services.

Small Scale Businesses

Apart from agriculture, small-scale businesses also play a significant role in Nyamira County’s economy. The county has a vibrant informal sector, with traders selling a wide range of goods and services.

Small businesses in the area include grocery stores, salons, tailoring shops, and restaurants.

The county government has put in place initiatives aimed at supporting small businesses, such as providing access to credit facilities, business training, and market linkages.

The government has also established business incubation centers to support the growth of small businesses in the county.

Overall, Nyamira County’s economy is largely dependent on agriculture, with small-scale businesses also playing a significant role. The county government has put in place measures to support these sectors, aimed at improving productivity and promoting economic growth.


Nyamira County is committed to providing quality education to its residents. The county government has made significant strides in ensuring that education is accessible and affordable to all.

The county’s education sector is divided into three levels: primary, secondary, and higher education.

Primary Education

Primary education is the foundation of every child’s education. The county government has made it a priority to ensure that every child has access to quality primary education.

The county has a total of 436 primary schools, with a total enrollment of 181,271 students. The county government has invested in the construction of classrooms and the provision of textbooks to ensure that students have access to quality education.

Secondary Education

Secondary education is the next level of education after primary education. The county has a total of 133 secondary schools, with a total enrollment of 62,519 students.

The county government has invested in the construction of classrooms, laboratories, and libraries to ensure that students have access to quality education.

The county government has also provided bursaries to needy students to ensure that they can continue with their education.

Higher Education

Higher education is critical in preparing students for the job market. The county has several tertially colleges including Misambi Vocational Training Centre, Gitwebe Technical Training Institute, Ekerubo Gietai Technical Training Institute, Kenya Medical Training College KMTC Nyamira Campus, Elgon view college,nyamira campus

county government has provided scholarships to needy students to ensure that they can access higher education.


Nyamira County is committed to providing quality and accessible healthcare services to its residents. The county’s Department of Health Services aims to provide integrated health services for the socio-economic development of the people of Nyamira County.

As of 2023, there are 199 health facilities spread across the four sub-counties of Nyamira County. These facilities include 114 belonging to the Ministry of Health, 65 private facilities, 17 faith-based facilities, and three under NGOs.

The county’s referral hospital is Nyamira County Referral Hospital, located in Township.

The county’s healthcare services cover a range of areas, including maternal and child health, reproductive health, HIV/AIDS, malaria, and non-communicable diseases. The county also offers mental health services and has a mental health unit at the referral hospital.

The county has made strides in improving its healthcare services in recent years. For example, the county has prioritized the construction and improvement of health facilities, such as the construction of the Borabu Sub-County Hospital.

The county has invested in medical equipment, such as modern ultrasound machines, to improve the quality of healthcare services.

Overall, Nyamira County is committed to improving the health and well-being of its residents through accessible and quality healthcare services.


Nyamira County offers a variety of tourism opportunities for visitors to explore. From cultural sites to natural attractions, there is something for everyone to enjoy.

Cultural Sites

Nyamira County is home to several cultural sites that are worth visiting. One of the most popular cultural sites is the Manga Hills. The Abagusii community refers to this hill as the Emanga ridge.

Standing on this hill, you can see the beautiful landscapes of Kisii’s southern parts up to the lake region. The Manga hills contain several historical facts, and anyone interested in history would not want to miss out on learning about the Abagusii beliefs.

Another cultural site worth visiting is the Nyamira County Museum. The museum showcases the rich cultural heritage of the Abagusii community.

It has a vast collection of artifacts, including traditional clothing, musical instruments, and household items. The museum is an excellent place to learn about the history and culture of the Abagusii people.

Natural Attractions

Nyamira County is known for its natural beauty and unique attractions. One of the most popular natural attractions is the Nyamira Falls.

These falls are located in the heart of Nyamira County, and they offer a breathtaking view of the surrounding landscape. The falls are an excellent place to relax and enjoy nature.

Another natural attraction worth visiting is the Gucha River. The river is a popular destination for fishing and boating. It is also an excellent place to relax and enjoy the beautiful scenery.

The river is surrounded by lush green vegetation, and it is a great place to escape the hustle and bustle of the city.



Nyamira County has a well-maintained road network that connects the county to other parts of the country. The county government has invested heavily in upgrading and maintaining the roads, making them accessible throughout the year.

The major roads in the county include the Kisii-Kilgoris Road, Nyamira-Kericho Road, and Nyamira-Kisii Road. These roads play a crucial role in the transportation of goods and people within and outside the county.


The county government has also made significant investments in the provision of utilities in Nyamira County. The provision of clean and safe water is a top priority for the county government, and it has put in place measures to ensure that all residents have access to clean water.

The county has several water treatment plants, boreholes, and water storage tanks that supply water to the residents.

In terms of electricity, the county is connected to the national grid, and most parts of the county have access to electricity. The county government has also embarked on a program to provide solar power to households in remote areas that are not connected to the national grid.

Overall, Nyamira County has made significant strides in improving its infrastructure, making it an attractive destination for investors and visitors alike. The county government’s commitment to improving infrastructure has had a positive impact on the county’s economy and the quality of life of its residents.

Government and Politics

Local Government

Nyamira County has a devolved system of government, which means that it has its own local government that is responsible for providing services to its residents.

The county government is headed by the Governor, who is assisted by the Deputy Governor, the County Executive Committee, and the County Assembly.

The county is divided into 20 wards, each of which has an elected representative in the County Assembly. The County Assembly is responsible for making laws and overseeing the work of the county government.



Kitutu Masaba







West Mugirango






North Mugirango











Political Representation

Nyamira County has 4 constituencies namely Kitutu Masaba, North Mugirango, West Mugirango and Borabu. Each constituency has an elected member of national assembly. Elections occur every 5 years.

The county is also represented in the Senate by one senator who is elected by the residents of the county. Nyamira County also has a Women Representative who is elected by the residents of the county.

The Women Representative is responsible for representing the interests of women in the county and advocating for their rights.

The government and politics of Nyamira County are designed to ensure that the needs of its residents are met and that they are represented at all levels of government.

The county government is responsible for providing basic services such as health care, education, and clean water, while the national government is responsible for providing infrastructure and other services that benefit the entire country.

Culture and Lifestyle

Nyamira County is home to a vibrant and diverse culture that is rich in traditions and customs. The county has a population of over 600,000 people, with the majority being of the Gusii community.

The Gusii people are known for their love of music, dance, and storytelling, which are all integral parts of their culture.

Music and dance play a crucial role in the Gusii culture, with different songs and dances being performed during various ceremonies and events.

For example, the Entaburuta dance is a popular dance performed during weddings, while the Ekegusii traditional dance is performed during cultural festivals.

The county is also known for its delicious cuisine, which is a blend of traditional and modern dishes. Some of the popular dishes in Nyamira County include Matoke, a dish made from plantains, and Nyama Choma, which is roasted meat.

The county is also known for its love of tea, with tea farming being a major economic activity in the region.

In terms of lifestyle, the people of Nyamira County are known for their hard work and resilience. Agriculture is the main economic activity in the county, with most people engaged in subsistence farming.

The county is also home to several small and medium-sized enterprises, which provide employment opportunities for the locals.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the population of Nyamira County?

According to the 2019 census, the population of Nyamira County is 605,576.

What are the major economic activities in Nyamira County?

The major economic activities in Nyamira County are agriculture, with bananas and tea being the main cash crops grown. Small-scale farming of maize, beans, and other vegetables is also common. Additionally, there is a growing trade in livestock and poultry.

What is the current status of Nyamira County’s development projects?

Nyamira County has ongoing development projects in various sectors, including roads, water supply, health, education, and agriculture. These projects are funded by both the national government and development partners.

What is the role of the Nyamira County Public Service Board?

The Nyamira County Public Service Board is responsible for recruiting and managing county government employees. The board ensures that the recruitment process is transparent, and that all employees are qualified and competent to perform their duties.

What are the requirements for applying to work in Nyamira County?

To apply for a job in Nyamira County, you must meet the minimum qualifications for the position you are interested in. You will also need to submit your application through the county Public Service Board, which will then review your application and shortlist candidates for interviews.


  • Ravasco Kalenje

    Ravasco Kalenje is the visionary founder and CEO of Jua Kenya, a comprehensive online resource dedicated to providing accurate and up-to-date information about Kenya. With a rich background in linguistics, media, and technology, Ravasco brings a unique blend of skills and experiences to his role as a digital content creator and entrepreneur. See More on Our Contributors Page

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