Postal Code of Bomet Town

The postal code for Bomet Town is 20400. This code is specifically assigned to the main post office in Bomet Town and is used for general mail delivery within the town.

Are there any other postal codes used in Bomet Town?

Yes, while 20400 is the main postal code for Bomet Town, there are several other postal codes used for specific areas or post offices within Bomet and its surroundings:

  1. 20401 – Chebunyo
  2. 20402 – Longisa
  3. 20403 – Mogogosiek
  4. 20404 – Ndanai
  5. 20405 – Sigor
  6. 20406 – Sotik
  7. 20407 – Kapkwen
  8. 20409 – Merigi
  9. 20422 – Silibwet

How is the Kenyan postal code system structured?

The Kenyan postal code system typically follows this structure:

  • First digit: Represents the former province (2 for Rift Valley)
  • Second digit: Represents the region within the province
  • Last three digits: Specific to the post office or area

For Bomet Town (20400):

  • 2: Rift Valley Province
  • 0: Specific region within Rift Valley
  • 400: Bomet Town main post office

When was the current postal code system implemented in Kenya?

The search results don’t provide specific information about when the current postal code system was implemented in Kenya. However, many African countries modernized their postal systems in the late 20th or early 21st century. For the most accurate information, it would be best to consult the official Kenya Postal Corporation website or other government sources.

How do I format an address using the Bomet Town postal code?

When addressing mail to Bomet Town, use the following format:

Recipient Name
Street Address or P.O. Box Number
20400 Bomet

For example:

John Doe
P.O. Box 123
20400 Bomet

What areas does the 20400 postal code cover?

The 20400 postal code primarily covers the central area of Bomet Town. However, specific coverage information is not provided in the search results. It’s likely that this code is used for the main post office and general delivery within the town center.

How do postal codes differ between Bomet Town and surrounding areas?

Here’s a comparison of postal codes for Bomet Town and some surrounding areas:

Location Postal Code
Bomet Town 20400
Chebunyo 20401
Longisa 20402
Mogogosiek 20403
Sotik 20406
Silibwet 20422

As you can see, the first two digits (20) remain the same, indicating the region, while the last three digits change to specify different locations within the area.

What is the importance of using the correct postal code?

Using the correct postal code is crucial for several reasons:

  1. Ensures accurate and timely delivery of mail and packages
  2. Helps in sorting and routing mail efficiently
  3. Reduces the risk of lost or misdirected mail
  4. Facilitates automated mail processing systems
  5. Improves overall postal service quality

How can I find the correct postal code for a specific address in Bomet?

To find the correct postal code for a specific address in Bomet:

  1. Check with the local post office in Bomet
  2. Use the official Kenya Postal Corporation website (if available)
  3. Ask the recipient for the correct postal code
  4. Consult updated postal code directories or maps

Are there any online tools to verify Bomet postal codes?

The search results don’t provide information about specific online tools for verifying Bomet postal codes. However, general strategies to verify postal codes include:

  1. Checking the official Kenya Postal Corporation website
  2. Using reliable online postal code databases for Kenya
  3. Contacting the local post office in Bomet for verification

How often are postal codes updated in Kenya?

The search results don’t provide information about the frequency of postal code updates in Kenya. Generally, postal codes are relatively stable and don’t change often. However, for the most up-to-date information, it’s best to consult the Kenya Postal Corporation or local postal authorities.

What should I do if I don’t know the exact postal code for an address in Bomet?

If you don’t know the exact postal code for an address in Bomet:

  1. Use the general Bomet Town code (20400)
  2. Include as much detailed address information as possible
  3. Contact the recipient to confirm the correct postal code
  4. Check with the local post office in Bomet for assistance

How does the Bomet postal code system compare to other towns in Kenya?

The Bomet postal code system follows the same structure as other towns in Kenya. Here’s a comparison with some other Kenyan towns:

Town Postal Code Province Code
Bomet 20400 2 (Rift Valley)
Nairobi 00100 0 (Nairobi)
Mombasa 80100 8 (Coast)
Kisumu 40100 4 (Nyanza)
Nakuru 20100 2 (Rift Valley)

As you can see, the first digit indicates the former province, while the following digits specify the town and local post office.

Are there any plans to change the postal code system in Bomet or Kenya?

The search results don’t provide information about any plans to change the postal code system in Bomet or Kenya. Postal code systems typically remain stable for long periods to maintain consistency and avoid confusion. Any changes would likely be announced well in advance by the Kenya Postal Corporation.

How reliable is mail delivery to Bomet using the 20400 postal code?

The search results don’t provide specific information about the reliability of mail delivery to Bomet. However, using the correct postal code (20400) should ensure that mail is properly routed to the Bomet post office. Factors affecting reliability may include:

  1. Overall efficiency of the Kenyan postal system
  2. Local infrastructure and transportation
  3. Accuracy of the address provided
  4. Type of mail service used (standard, express, etc.)

For the most accurate information on mail delivery reliability, it’s best to consult with the local post office or recent customer experiences.

What other services does the Bomet post office offer besides mail delivery?

While the search results don’t provide specific information about services offered by the Bomet post office, typical services in Kenyan post offices often include:

  1. Domestic and international mail services
  2. Parcel and package delivery
  3. Post office box rentals
  4. Money transfer services
  5. Bill payment services
  6. Sale of stamps and postal supplies

For a complete list of services, it’s best to contact the Bomet post office directly.


The postal code for Bomet Town, Kenya is 20400, which is used for the main post office and general mail delivery within the town. Additional postal codes are used for specific areas within Bomet and its surroundings.

This postal code is part of Kenya’s national postal coding system, which uses a five-digit format where the first digit represents the former province. Using the correct postal code is crucial for efficient mail delivery and processing.

While the search results don’t provide exhaustive information about all aspects of Bomet’s postal services, the 20400 code serves as the primary identifier for mail addressed to Bomet Town. For the most up-to-date and detailed information, it’s advisable to consult the Kenya Postal Corporation or the local post office in Bomet.


  • Susan Kandie

    Susan Kandie is a vibrant contributor to Jua Kenya, bringing her passion for travel and extensive knowledge of local destinations to our readers. A graduate of Daystar University with a degree in Journalism, Susan has honed her writing skills through years of experience in local media stations and various online publications. See More on Our Contributors Page

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