Postal Code of Kitui Town

The postal code for Kitui Town, Kenya is 90200. This code is used for all addresses within Kitui Town, which is the capital of Kitui County in eastern Kenya. The postal code system in Kenya helps in the efficient sorting and delivery of mail throughout the country.

What is the postal code for Kitui Town?

The postal code for Kitui Town is 90200.

How is the postal code for Kitui Town formatted?

The postal code for Kitui Town is formatted as a five-digit number: 90200. In Kenya, postal codes are typically written without spaces or hyphens.

Are there different postal codes within Kitui Town?

No, there are not different postal codes within Kitui Town itself. The entire town uses the single postal code 90200.

What areas does the 90200 postal code cover?

The 90200 postal code covers:

  • Kitui Town central business district
  • Residential areas within Kitui Town
  • Government offices in Kitui Town
  • Educational institutions in Kitui Town
  • Healthcare facilities in Kitui Town

Are there other postal codes in Kitui County?

Yes, there are other postal codes in Kitui County for different regions and towns. Some examples include:

  • 90201: Mutomo
  • 90202: Ndooa
  • 90204: Kisasi
  • 90205: Kabati
  • 90207: Ikutha

How do postal codes in Kitui County compare to each other?

Here’s a comparison of some postal codes in Kitui County:

Location Postal Code
Kitui Town 90200
Mutomo 90201
Ndooa 90202
Kisasi 90204
Kabati 90205
Ikutha 90207

What is the significance of the first two digits in Kitui’s postal code?

The first two digits “90” in Kitui’s postal code (90200) likely indicate the broader region or zone within Kenya’s postal system. This prefix is shared by other towns in Kitui County and potentially neighboring areas.

How does Kitui’s postal code compare to other major towns in Kenya?

Here’s a comparison of Kitui’s postal code with those of other major towns in Kenya:

Town Postal Code
Kitui 90200
Nairobi 00100
Mombasa 80100
Kisumu 40100
Nakuru 20100
Eldoret 30100

When was the current postal code system implemented in Kenya?

The exact implementation date of the current postal code system in Kenya is not provided in the search results. However, postal codes have been in use in Kenya for several decades to facilitate mail sorting and delivery.

How important is including the postal code when addressing mail to Kitui Town?

Including the postal code (90200) when addressing mail to Kitui Town is very important. It helps:

  1. Ensure accurate and efficient mail sorting
  2. Reduce the likelihood of mail being misdirected
  3. Speed up the delivery process
  4. Facilitate automated sorting systems used by postal services

What is the correct format for addressing mail to Kitui Town?

The correct format for addressing mail to Kitui Town is:

Recipient's Name
Street Address or P.O. Box Number
Kitui 90200

Are there any plans to change Kitui Town’s postal code?

There is no information in the provided search results about any plans to change Kitui Town’s postal code. Postal codes typically remain stable for long periods to maintain consistency in addressing and mail delivery systems.

How does Kenya’s postal code system work in general?

Kenya’s postal code system generally works as follows:

  1. Uses five-digit numerical codes
  2. First two digits often indicate the broader region or zone
  3. Last three digits specify the particular town or area
  4. Major cities may have multiple postal codes for different areas
  5. Smaller towns often have a single postal code for the entire locality

What role does the Postal Corporation of Kenya play in managing postal codes?

The Postal Corporation of Kenya (Posta Kenya) is responsible for:

  • Assigning and managing postal codes throughout the country
  • Maintaining the national addressing system
  • Ensuring efficient mail sorting and delivery using postal codes
  • Providing information about correct postal codes to the public

How can residents of Kitui Town find out their correct postal code?

Residents of Kitui Town can find out their correct postal code by:

  1. Checking official Postal Corporation of Kenya resources
  2. Inquiring at their local post office
  3. Referring to official government documents or utility bills
  4. Using online postal code lookup tools (if available)

Are there any common mistakes people make with Kitui Town’s postal code?

While specific data on common mistakes is not provided, some potential errors people might make with Kitui Town’s postal code include:

  • Omitting the postal code entirely
  • Using an incorrect code (e.g., confusing it with another town in Kitui County)
  • Adding spaces or hyphens (the correct format is 90200, not 90 200 or 90-200)
  • Using old or outdated postal codes if they have changed over time

How does the use of postal codes affect mail delivery times in Kitui Town?

The use of the correct postal code (90200) for Kitui Town likely affects mail delivery times by:

  1. Speeding up the sorting process at mail distribution centers
  2. Reducing errors in routing mail to the correct local post office
  3. Facilitating more efficient local delivery within Kitui Town
  4. Potentially allowing for automated sorting, which can be faster than manual sorting

What should businesses in Kitui Town know about using the postal code?

Businesses in Kitui Town should know:

  1. The correct postal code (90200) should be used on all business correspondence
  2. Including the postal code can improve the reliability of mail delivery
  3. The postal code should be displayed prominently on business cards and marketing materials
  4. Online forms and databases should be updated with the correct postal code

How does Kitui Town’s postal code system compare to international standards?

Kitui Town’s postal code system, as part of Kenya’s broader system, compares to international standards as follows:

Aspect Kitui Town/Kenya International Standard
Number of digits 5 Varies (4-10 typically)
Format Numeric only May include letters in some countries
Country-specific prefix Not used Used in some countries (e.g., UK)
Zoning system Regional Similar in many countries

What resources are available for checking or verifying Kitui Town’s postal code?

Resources for checking or verifying Kitui Town’s postal code may include:

  1. Official Postal Corporation of Kenya website
  2. Local post office in Kitui Town
  3. Government offices in Kitui County
  4. Online postal code databases (if available for Kenya)
  5. Official government publications or directories

How does the use of postal codes in Kitui Town contribute to national addressing systems?

The use of postal codes in Kitui Town contributes to national addressing systems by:

  1. Providing a standardized way to identify locations within Kenya
  2. Facilitating more efficient national mail distribution
  3. Supporting the development of digital mapping and location-based services
  4. Aiding in the collection of accurate demographic and geographic data
  5. Assisting emergency services in locating addresses more quickly


The postal code for Kitui Town, Kenya is 90200. This five-digit code is essential for efficient mail sorting and delivery within the town and plays a crucial role in the broader national postal system. While Kitui Town itself uses a single postal code, other areas within Kitui County have their own unique codes.

The use of postal codes in Kitui Town and throughout Kenya aligns with international standards for postal systems, contributing to improved mail services, address standardization, and overall infrastructure development.

Residents and businesses in Kitui Town should ensure they use the correct postal code in all correspondence to facilitate smooth communication and mail delivery.


  • Susan Kandie

    Susan Kandie is a vibrant contributor to Jua Kenya, bringing her passion for travel and extensive knowledge of local destinations to our readers. A graduate of Daystar University with a degree in Journalism, Susan has honed her writing skills through years of experience in local media stations and various online publications. See More on Our Contributors Page

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