Postal Code of Machakos Town

The postal code for Machakos Town, Kenya is 90100. This five-digit code is essential for efficient mail delivery and proper addressing within the Machakos area. Machakos Town, the headquarters of Machakos County, uses this postal code for all its addresses, ensuring accurate and timely delivery of mail and packages.

What is the postal code for Machakos Town?

The postal code for Machakos Town is 90100.

How is the Machakos Town postal code formatted?

The Machakos Town postal code is formatted as a five-digit number: 90100.

What area does the 90100 postal code cover?

The 90100 postal code covers:

  1. Machakos Town central area
  2. Immediate suburbs of Machakos Town
  3. Key institutions and businesses within the town limits

Why is the postal code important for Machakos Town?

The postal code 90100 is important for Machakos Town for several reasons:

  1. Efficient mail sorting and delivery
  2. Accurate addressing for residents and businesses
  3. Facilitation of e-commerce and package delivery
  4. Easier identification of the town for postal services

How does the Machakos Town postal code compare to other nearby towns?

Here’s a comparison of Machakos Town’s postal code with those of nearby towns:

Town Postal Code
Machakos Town 90100
Athi River 90140
Kitengela 00241
Tala 90131
Kangundo 90115

When was the 90100 postal code introduced for Machakos Town?

The exact date of introduction for the 90100 postal code is not readily available. However, Kenya’s current postal code system was implemented in the late 20th century, likely in the 1990s or early 2000s.

How do residents use the postal code in their addresses?

Residents of Machakos Town use the postal code in their addresses as follows:

[Street Address/P.O. Box Number]
Machakos 90100

For example:

John Doe
P.O. Box 136
Machakos 90100

Are there any sub-divisions within the 90100 postal code area?

While 90100 is the main postal code for Machakos Town, there may be some sub-divisions or specific codes for large institutions or areas. However, these are not commonly used in general addressing.

How does the postal system in Machakos Town work?

The postal system in Machakos Town operates as follows:

  1. Central post office located in the town center
  2. Various postal agents and sub-offices in different parts of the town
  3. Regular mail collection and delivery services
  4. P.O. Box rental services for residents and businesses

What is the role of the Postal Corporation of Kenya in Machakos Town?

The Postal Corporation of Kenya (Posta Kenya) plays several roles in Machakos Town:

  1. Manages the main post office and sub-offices
  2. Oversees mail sorting and delivery
  3. Provides P.O. Box rental services
  4. Offers additional services like money transfer and agency banking

How accurate is mail delivery using the 90100 postal code?

Mail delivery using the 90100 postal code is generally accurate. However, factors affecting accuracy include:

  • Correct and complete addressing
  • Clear handwriting or printing of addresses
  • Regular updating of postal databases
  • Efficiency of local postal staff

Can the 90100 postal code be used for GPS or mapping purposes?

While the 90100 postal code identifies Machakos Town, it is not precise enough for GPS or detailed mapping purposes. It covers a broad area and is not designed for pinpoint location identification.

Are there any plans to change or update the Machakos Town postal code?

As of now, there are no known plans to change or update the 90100 postal code for Machakos Town. Postal codes in Kenya tend to remain stable unless there are significant administrative changes.

How does the Machakos Town postal code system compare to international standards?

Comparing Machakos Town’s postal code system to international standards:

Aspect Machakos Town (Kenya) United States United Kingdom
Code Format 5 digits 5 or 9 digits Alphanumeric
Coverage Area Town-wide Specific areas Specific streets
Usage in Address After city name At the end At the end

What services in Machakos Town require the use of the postal code?

Several services in Machakos Town require the use of the 90100 postal code:

  1. Mail and package delivery
  2. Courier services
  3. Online shopping and e-commerce
  4. Bank account opening
  5. Government documentation
  6. Utility service applications

How do businesses in Machakos Town use the postal code?

Businesses in Machakos Town use the 90100 postal code for:

  1. Official business addresses
  2. Correspondence with customers and suppliers
  3. Marketing materials and business cards
  4. Online presence and e-commerce platforms
  5. Legal and financial documentation

Is the 90100 postal code used for areas outside Machakos Town?

The 90100 postal code is primarily used for Machakos Town. Surrounding areas and smaller towns in Machakos County typically have their own distinct postal codes.

How does one find the correct postal code for a specific address in Machakos Town?

To find the correct postal code for a specific address in Machakos Town:

  1. Check official Postal Corporation of Kenya resources
  2. Inquire at the local post office
  3. Verify with the specific institution or business
  4. Use online postal code lookup tools (if available)

What challenges exist with the postal code system in Machakos Town?

Some challenges with the postal code system in Machakos Town include:

  1. Limited public awareness about the importance of using postal codes
  2. Occasional confusion with similar-looking codes
  3. Outdated address databases in some organizations
  4. Inconsistent use of the code in informal settings

How does the postal code affect mail sorting and delivery times in Machakos Town?

The 90100 postal code affects mail sorting and delivery in Machakos Town by:

  1. Enabling efficient sorting at central processing facilities
  2. Facilitating quicker identification of the destination area
  3. Reducing errors in mail routing
  4. Potentially speeding up local delivery times

Are there any misconceptions about the Machakos Town postal code?

Common misconceptions about the Machakos Town postal code include:

  1. Thinking it’s not necessary for P.O. Box addresses
  2. Assuming it changes frequently
  3. Believing it provides exact location information
  4. Thinking it’s the same for all of Machakos County

How important is the postal code for emergency services in Machakos Town?

While important for mail services, the 90100 postal code has limited use for emergency services in Machakos Town. Emergency services typically rely on:

  1. Specific street addresses
  2. Landmarks
  3. GPS coordinates
  4. Local knowledge of the area

What role does technology play in the use of the Machakos Town postal code?

Technology impacts the use of the Machakos Town postal code through:

  1. Online address verification systems
  2. E-commerce platforms requiring accurate postal codes
  3. Digital mapping services incorporating postal code data
  4. Automated mail sorting systems using postal code information

How does the postal code system in Machakos Town contribute to the local economy?

The 90100 postal code contributes to Machakos Town’s local economy by:

  1. Facilitating efficient business communication
  2. Supporting e-commerce and online shopping
  3. Enabling accurate delivery for local businesses
  4. Attracting businesses due to reliable postal services

What future developments might affect the postal code system in Machakos Town?

Potential future developments that could affect Machakos Town’s postal code system include:

  1. Digitalization of postal services
  2. Integration with smart city initiatives
  3. Adoption of more granular coding systems
  4. Enhanced integration with GPS and mapping technologies


The postal code 90100 plays a crucial role in the addressing and mail delivery system of Machakos Town, Kenya. While simple in format, this five-digit code significantly impacts various aspects of communication, business, and daily life in the town.

From facilitating efficient mail sorting to supporting e-commerce and local businesses, the postal code is an essential component of Machakos Town’s infrastructure.Despite some challenges and misconceptions, the 90100 postal code remains a stable and important identifier for Machakos Town.

As technology continues to evolve, the role and application of this postal code may adapt, potentially becoming more integrated with digital systems and smart city initiatives.For residents, businesses, and visitors to Machakos Town, understanding and correctly using the 90100 postal code ensures smoother communication and service delivery.

As the town continues to grow and develop, the postal code system will likely evolve to meet changing needs while maintaining its core function of enabling efficient and accurate mail and package delivery.


  • Susan Kandie

    Susan Kandie is a vibrant contributor to Jua Kenya, bringing her passion for travel and extensive knowledge of local destinations to our readers. A graduate of Daystar University with a degree in Journalism, Susan has honed her writing skills through years of experience in local media stations and various online publications. See More on Our Contributors Page

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