Postal Code of Naivasha Town

The postal code for Naivasha Town, Kenya is 20117. This five-digit code is used to identify the specific geographical area of Naivasha for mail sorting and delivery purposes. Naivasha, located in Nakuru County, is part of Kenya’s postal code system, which helps streamline mail distribution across the country.

What is the postal code for Naivasha Town?

The postal code for Naivasha Town is 20117.

How many digits are in Naivasha’s postal code?

Naivasha’s postal code consists of 5 digits: 20117.

What is the purpose of postal codes in Kenya?

Postal codes in Kenya serve several purposes:

  1. Facilitate efficient mail sorting and delivery
  2. Help identify specific geographical areas
  3. Improve accuracy in mail distribution
  4. Aid in logistics and planning for postal services
  5. Provide a standardized system for addressing mail

When was the postal code system introduced in Kenya?

The exact date of introduction for Kenya’s current postal code system is not provided in the search results. However, postal code systems are typically implemented as part of modernization efforts in postal services. Kenya, like many other countries, likely introduced its system in the latter half of the 20th century to improve mail handling efficiency.

How does Naivasha’s postal code compare to other nearby towns?

Here’s a comparison of Naivasha’s postal code with some nearby towns:

Town Postal Code
Naivasha 20117
Nakuru 20100
Gilgil 20116
Mai Mahiu 20147
Ol Kalou 20314

Each town has its unique postal code, even if they are in close proximity to each other.

Are there different postal codes within Naivasha Town?

Based on the available information, there is one primary postal code (20117) for Naivasha Town. However, it’s possible that specific large institutions or post office boxes within Naivasha might have their own unique codes. Further detailed local information would be needed to confirm any variations within the town.

How do you properly write an address using Naivasha’s postal code?

When writing an address for Naivasha, use the following format:

Recipient's Name
Street Address or P.O. Box Number
Naivasha 20117

Include the postal code after the town name and before the country name.

Is the postal code always necessary when sending mail to Naivasha?

While it’s not always strictly necessary, including the postal code (20117) when sending mail to Naivasha is highly recommended for the following reasons:

  1. Speeds up mail sorting and delivery
  2. Reduces the chance of misdelivery
  3. Helps differentiate Naivasha from other towns with similar names
  4. Complies with postal service recommendations

Using the postal code ensures the most efficient handling of mail.

How does Kenya’s postal code system work?

Kenya’s postal code system generally follows this structure:

  1. First two digits: Represent the broader geographical region
  2. Last three digits: Identify the specific post office or delivery area

For Naivasha (20117):

  • “20” likely represents the broader Nakuru County region
  • “117” specifically identifies Naivasha Town

Are there any other postal codes associated with the Naivasha area?

Yes, there are other postal codes associated with the greater Naivasha area:

  • 20117: Naivasha Town
  • 20147: Mai Mahiu (near Naivasha)
  • 20320: Kinamba (in the Naivasha constituency)

These codes represent different localities within or near the Naivasha region.

How do postal codes affect mail delivery times in Naivasha?

Postal codes can affect mail delivery times in Naivasha in several ways:

  1. Accurate codes speed up sorting processes
  2. Correct codes reduce the likelihood of misrouted mail
  3. Properly coded mail may be prioritized in processing
  4. Codes help in efficient route planning for mail carriers

Using the correct postal code (20117) for Naivasha can potentially lead to faster and more reliable mail delivery.

Can the same postal code be used for both street addresses and P.O. Boxes in Naivasha?

Yes, the postal code 20117 is generally used for both street addresses and P.O. Boxes in Naivasha. However, it’s important to note:

  1. P.O. Box addresses should include the box number
  2. Street addresses should include the specific street name and number (if applicable)
  3. The postal code remains the same regardless of the address type

Always include as much detailed information as possible to ensure accurate delivery.

How do online mapping and GPS systems use Naivasha’s postal code?

Online mapping and GPS systems may use Naivasha’s postal code (20117) in the following ways:

  1. As a general identifier for the Naivasha area
  2. To provide approximate location services
  3. In conjunction with street names for more precise navigation
  4. For geolocation-based services and analytics

However, for the most accurate navigation, additional address details are typically required beyond just the postal code.

Are there any plans to change or update Naivasha’s postal code?

There is no information in the search results indicating plans to change or update Naivasha’s postal code. Postal codes typically remain stable for long periods to maintain consistency in addressing and mail delivery systems. Any changes would likely be announced well in advance by the postal authorities.

How does Naivasha’s postal code system compare to international standards?

Comparison of Naivasha’s postal code system to international standards:

Aspect Naivasha/Kenya International (e.g., UK) International (e.g., USA)
Number of digits 5 6-8 5 or 9
Format Numeric Alphanumeric Numeric
Geographic specificity Town level Street or building level ZIP+4 for specific segments
Position in address After town name At the end At the end

Kenya’s system, including Naivasha’s code, is relatively simple compared to some more detailed international systems.

How do businesses in Naivasha use the postal code?

Businesses in Naivasha likely use the postal code 20117 in several ways:

  1. In their official business addresses
  2. On marketing materials and business cards
  3. For shipping and receiving goods
  4. In customer databases and CRM systems
  5. For local area targeting in marketing campaigns
  6. On their websites and online business listings

Consistent use of the correct postal code helps businesses maintain accurate records and efficient communication.

What role does the postal code play in emergency services in Naivasha?

While the primary purpose of postal codes is for mail delivery, they can also play a role in emergency services:

  1. Help in quickly identifying the general area in emergency calls
  2. Assist in planning emergency response routes
  3. Used in databases for mapping and resource allocation
  4. Aid in coordinating multi-agency responses

However, for precise locations, emergency services typically rely on more detailed address information or GPS coordinates.

How do residents of Naivasha find out their correct postal code?

Residents of Naivasha can find out their correct postal code through several methods:

  1. Checking official communications from the postal service
  2. Inquiring at the local post office
  3. Referring to official government websites
  4. Using online postal code lookup tools (if available for Kenya)
  5. Checking with neighbors or local businesses

For most of Naivasha Town, the postal code will be 20117.

Are there any common mistakes people make with Naivasha’s postal code?

Common mistakes people might make with Naivasha’s postal code include:

  1. Omitting the code entirely
  2. Transposing digits (e.g., writing 21017 instead of 20117)
  3. Confusing it with codes of nearby towns
  4. Using an outdated code if the system has changed
  5. Adding extra digits or letters

To avoid these mistakes, always double-check the postal code when addressing mail to Naivasha.


The postal code for Naivasha Town, Kenya is 20117. This five-digit code plays a crucial role in the efficient sorting and delivery of mail within the Kenyan postal system. While relatively simple compared to some international systems, it effectively identifies Naivasha within the broader Nakuru County region.

The consistent use of this code by residents, businesses, and postal services helps streamline communication and ensures that mail reaches its intended recipients in Naivasha. As with any addressing system, accuracy in using the correct postal code (20117 for Naivasha) is key to avoiding delays and misdeliveries.

While primarily designed for postal purposes, the code also serves secondary functions in various services and systems, contributing to the overall organization and efficiency of operations in Naivasha Town.


  • Susan Kandie

    Susan Kandie is a vibrant contributor to Jua Kenya, bringing her passion for travel and extensive knowledge of local destinations to our readers. A graduate of Daystar University with a degree in Journalism, Susan has honed her writing skills through years of experience in local media stations and various online publications. See More on Our Contributors Page

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