Stima Sacco Society

Stima Sacco was established in 1974 to serve employees of the then East African Power and Lighting company. It currently has a membership of over 154 000 derived from the energy, utilities, education, diaspora, individuals, groups among other sectors.

Stima Sacco Savings Accounts

  1. Twiga savings
  2. Junior star account
  3. Msingi bora account
  4. Mustard account
  5. Prime account
  6. Golden savings account

Stima Sacco Credit Products

  1. Working capital loan
  2. Asset finance school loan
  3. LPO loan
  4. Invoice discounting loan
  5. Investor loan
  6. Plot financing
  7. Makazi poa loan
  8. Mpawa loan
  9. Prima advance loan
  10. Emergency school fees loan
  11. Salary advance loan
  12. Makeover loan
  13. Normal loan 1
  14. Super loan

Stima Sacco Paybill Number 823 244

Here is how to use the pay bill number to access services conveniently;

  • Go to M-PESA menu
  • Select lipa na M-PESA; pay bill option
  • Enter Stima Sacco Paybill Number 823244
  • Enter your account number.
  • Enter the amount you wish to transact
  • Enter your PIN number
  • Confirm details and press OK
  • You will receive a confirmation message from Safaricom

Stima Sacco M-Sacco Services

Stima Sacco has a mobile banking application available for download on Google playstore known as M-PAWA. Some of the services accessible using this platform include;

  • Funds transfer
  • Loan enquiries and payments
  • Airtime purchases
  • Account balance enquiries
  • Mini statement
  • Cash deposits and withdrawals

NB; The service is only accessible to registered Sacco members

Stima Sacco Contacts

For more information on any of the products offered;

Stima Sacco Plaza Mushembi Road,

Parklands in Nairobi Kenya.

P.O. Box 75629-00200.


Telephone: 0703 024 000 or 0703 024 001

Send A Message To : 0703 024 001



You can as well see some of the best Deposit Taking Sacco’s in Kenya here.


  • Ravasco Kalenje

    Ravasco Kalenje is the visionary founder and CEO of Jua Kenya, a comprehensive online resource dedicated to providing accurate and up-to-date information about Kenya. With a rich background in linguistics, media, and technology, Ravasco brings a unique blend of skills and experiences to his role as a digital content creator and entrepreneur. See More on Our Contributors Page

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