Stima Sacco was established in 1974 to serve employees of the then East African Power and Lighting company. It currently has a membership of over 154 000 derived from the energy, utilities, education, diaspora, individuals, groups among other sectors.
Stima Sacco Savings Accounts
- Twiga savings
- Junior star account
- Msingi bora account
- Mustard account
- Prime account
- Golden savings account
Stima Sacco Credit Products
- Working capital loan
- Asset finance school loan
- LPO loan
- Invoice discounting loan
- Investor loan
- Plot financing
- Makazi poa loan
- Mpawa loan
- Prima advance loan
- Emergency school fees loan
- Salary advance loan
- Makeover loan
- Normal loan 1
- Super loan
Stima Sacco Paybill Number 823 244
Here is how to use the pay bill number to access services conveniently;
- Go to M-PESA menu
- Select lipa na M-PESA; pay bill option
- Enter Stima Sacco Paybill Number 823244
- Enter your account number.
- Enter the amount you wish to transact
- Enter your PIN number
- Confirm details and press OK
- You will receive a confirmation message from Safaricom
Stima Sacco M-Sacco Services
Stima Sacco has a mobile banking application available for download on Google playstore known as M-PAWA. Some of the services accessible using this platform include;
- Funds transfer
- Loan enquiries and payments
- Airtime purchases
- Account balance enquiries
- Mini statement
- Cash deposits and withdrawals
NB; The service is only accessible to registered Sacco members
Stima Sacco Contacts
For more information on any of the products offered;
Stima Sacco Plaza Mushembi Road,
Parklands in Nairobi Kenya.
P.O. Box 75629-00200.
Telephone: 0703 024 000 or 0703 024 001
Send A Message To : 0703 024 001
You can as well see some of the best Deposit Taking Sacco’s in Kenya here.