Trans-community Sacco Paybill Number 858999

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on how to pay Trans-community Sacco effortlessly using Paybill number 858999.

In today’s fast-paced world, convenience in financial transactions is crucial, and M-Pesa’s Paybill service offers just that.

In this article, we’ll walk you through the simple steps to pay Trans-community Sacco, discuss the benefits of using this payment method, and provide an overview of Trans-community Sacco and the range of services it offers.

Step-by-Step Guide to Paying Trans-community Sacco using Paybill Number 858999

Accessing M-Pesa

First things first, to make a payment to Trans-community Sacco, you need to access M-Pesa, which you can do in two simple ways:

1. Through the SIM Card Toolkit

  • Go to your phone’s SIM card toolkit.
  • Select the M-Pesa option.

2. Using the My Safaricom App

  • If you have the My Safaricom app installed, open it.
  • Navigate to the M-Pesa section.

Initiating the Payment

Once you’re in M-Pesa, initiate the payment process:

1. Select “Lipa na M-Pesa” Option

  • From the M-Pesa menu, choose “Lipa na M-Pesa.”

2. Choosing “Paybill” Option

  • Select the “Paybill” option to proceed with the payment.

Entering the Paybill Number

Now, it’s time to enter the Paybill number for Trans-community Sacco:

1. Enter 858999 as the Paybill Number

  • Type in 858999, ensuring you have the correct number.

Providing Account Details

Trans-community Sacco requires specific account details to ensure your payment reaches the correct destination:

1. If You Have an Account Number, Enter It

  • If you have a Trans-community Sacco account number, enter it accurately.

2. If You Don’t Have an Account Number, Enter Your ID Number or Full Names

  • Don’t worry if you don’t have an account number; you can enter either your ID number or your full names.

Confirming the Transaction

Before completing the transaction, it’s crucial to double-check the details entered:

1. Double-Check the Details Entered

  • Carefully review the Paybill number, account details, and the amount to ensure they’re correct.

2. Confirm the Payment

  • Once you’re satisfied that all details are accurate, confirm the payment.

Receiving a Confirmation Message

Shortly after confirming your payment, you will receive a confirmation message from M-Pesa:

1. You Will Receive a Confirmation Message from M-Pesa

  • This message serves as your receipt and proof of the transaction.

Keep the Transaction Record

It’s advisable to keep a record of the transaction for your reference:

1. It’s Important to Keep a Record of the Transaction for Future Reference

  • You may need this record for any inquiries or verification in the future.

Benefits of Using Trans-community Sacco

Now that you know how to make payments let’s delve into the benefits of using Trans-community Sacco for your financial needs:

Financial Convenience

1. Easy Access to Your Sacco Account

  • Trans-community Sacco offers you quick access to your account, enabling you to manage your finances seamlessly.

2. Quick and Hassle-free Payments

  • With the Paybill number 858999, payments are a breeze, eliminating the need for time-consuming manual transactions.


1. Secure Payment Process with M-Pesa

  • M-Pesa transactions are secure and encrypted, reducing the risk of unauthorized access to your financial information.

2. Reduced Risk of Carrying Cash

  • By using electronic payments through M-Pesa, you significantly lower the risk associated with carrying physical cash.

24/7 Accessibility

1. Access to Your Sacco Account Anytime, Anywhere

  • Whether it’s day or night, weekends, or holidays, you can access your Trans-community Sacco account whenever you need it.

2. Convenience for Busy Individuals

  • For individuals with busy schedules, the ability to transact at any time is a game-changer, ensuring you don’t miss important payments or opportunities.

Overview of Trans-community Sacco and its Range of Services/Products

Introduction to Trans-community Sacco

Before we explore its services, let’s get to know Trans-community Sacco better:

1. Brief History and Background

  • Learn about the origins and mission of Trans-community Sacco.

Services and Products Offered

Trans-community Sacco offers a range of services and products to meet your financial needs:

1. Savings Accounts

  • Discover the various savings accounts tailored to your goals and preferences.

2. Loans and Credit Facilities

  • Explore the loan options and credit facilities available for members.

3. Investment Opportunities

  • Find out how Trans-community Sacco can help you grow your wealth through investment opportunities.

4. Financial Education and Member Support

  • Learn about the educational resources and support provided to help you make informed financial decisions.

Membership Benefits

Trans-community Sacco membership comes with its perks:

1. Membership Requirements

  • Understand the criteria for becoming a member.

2. Benefits of Being a Trans-community Sacco Member

  • Explore the advantages of joining this community-focused financial institution.


In conclusion, the convenience of using Paybill number 858999 to pay Trans-community Sacco cannot be overstated.

By following the simple steps outlined in this guide, you can make payments quickly and securely, ensuring your financial transactions are hassle-free.

Moreover, the benefits of using Trans-community Sacco extend beyond convenient payments.

This financial institution offers a wide range of services and products to help you achieve your financial goals, all while providing 24/7 accessibility and excellent member support.

So, don’t hesitate to explore Trans-community Sacco and experience the ease of managing your finances through their services.

Make the most of the opportunities they offer, and enjoy the convenience and security of modern banking with Paybill number 858999.